
人教版(新课程标准)必修1 Unit 1 Friendship单元重难点词汇课件(84张ppt)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:55次 大小:36587520Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 教材版本:人教 册别单元:B1U1 A word is a microcosm of human consciousness. — Vygotsky upset calm concern go through power settle suffer recover 一词多义 英语释义 辨析义 一词多义 英语释义 搭配义 一词多义 一词多义 一词多义 搭配义 英语释义 重难点词 一词多义 英语释义 2016年很火的一个段子:友谊的小船说翻就翻。你知道船翻了如何表达吗? The boat was upset. 图中小船被打翻也正好诠释了upset的基本义———打翻。 upset 词源 upset的形容词源自于动词,而动词的词源义“安装 (to set up, fix)”已消失不用了,最早出现的现代意义“弄翻;打翻”是它的基本义。 upset 语义网络 打翻 upset 基本义 动词 形容词 (分词形容词) 打翻物体 打翻计划 打翻心情 使生气;使心烦意乱 打乱;搅乱 (计划、安排等) 弄翻;打翻 打翻胃 使 (肠胃) 不适 打翻胃 打翻心情 (肠胃) 不适的 心烦意乱的;难过的 具体 抽象 人 upset 动词 (upset, upset) vt 弄翻;打翻: upset a bowl of soup 打翻一碗汤 The life boat was upset by the waves. 救生船被大浪打翻了。 打乱;搅乱 (计划、安排等): He arrived an hour late and upset our plan. 他迟到了一个小时,打乱了我们的计划。 动词重音在第二个音节上 使生气;使心烦意乱 to make sb worry or feel unhappy: This decision is likely to upset a lot of people. 这项决定很可能会使许多人不快。 使 (肠胃) 不适 释义是几个意思的综合,需借助英语释义来精准理解 upset 形容词 adj (肠胃) 不适的: an upset stomach 肠胃不适 [不用于名词前] 心烦意乱的;难过的 worried and unhappy: Then the friend moved away and the writer was extremely upset. 后来这个朋友搬走了,作者感到特别难过。 外研⑥ – 3 读音与动词不同 英语释义 ① (be) upset to do sth: She was very upset to hear that the holiday had been cancelled. 听说假期取消了,她感到非常失望。 ② (be) upset + that 从句: Anne’s sister Margot was very upset that the family had to move. 安妮的妹妹玛戈特因为她们不得不搬家而感到很烦恼。 人教①–1 ③ (be) upset about / at / by / over sth: My parents were in a huge argument, and I was really upset about it. 我的父母在激烈地争吵,为此我感到非常心烦。 ④ be upset with sb: You’re not still upset with me, are you 你不再生我的气了,对吧? 练一练 一、写出下列句子中upset的汉语释义。 1. Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean becoming friends again with the person who upset you. (2013 辽宁) _____ 2. The fact that he has failed several times makes him very upset. (2007 湖北) _____ 使生气;使心烦意乱 心烦意乱的;难过的 二、在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式 1. By the time I reached the farm I was very tired and upset _____ Goldie. (2010 北京) 2. Nobel was upset _____ (find) out that he hadn’t discovered the truth. (2009 广东改) 3. Walking towards the scene, Tenyson became very upset _____ what had happened to the couple. (2014 福建) about to find with calm 话说在这个让人越来越不能淡定的时代,“淡定”这个词却满天飞———于是我们来说说,英语中这个可以表示“淡定”的词———calm。keep calm、calm down这样的词组都可以用来劝人保持“淡定”。 adj (天气、海洋等) 静的;平静的: The weather was fine and the lake was calm. 天气晴朗,湖面很平静。外 ... ...

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