
外研版必修1 Module 4 A Social Survey -- My Neighbourhood单元测试题 1(含答案)

日期:2024-06-14 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:45次 大小:404992Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 4单元测试题 第二部分: 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Every morning, many girls in the African country of Zimbabwe rise with the sun and fetch clean water for their families. They walk many miles and carry the water home on their heads. Where they live, there is no running water. If my boss hadn’t required me to write an article about the Zimbabwean girls for our newspaper, I wouldn’t have had the chance to get in touch with these girls. “You just have to relax your neck and head and make it follow the load (负荷物),” one girl told me. “It is easy if you practice.” I had never tried to balance a pot (罐) on my head. I tried and practiced. But it was not easy at all. I managed to walk only a couple of yards before the pot fell off my head. The girls covered their mouths and laughed at me. Water is not the only thing that requires head-balancing skills. In most of these villages, there is no electricity for cooking, so firewood is used instead. The girls must collect and carry the firewood back to their villages. They insist the easiest way to do this is on their heads. Even at school, head-balancing skills are always used. At a school near the small town of Norton, I saw a group of girls fetching bags of sand that were to be used to build a new classroom. They carried these bags without difficulty. When I tried, I could not bear (承受) the weight. Girls in many countries around the world prefer to carry things on their heads. They are taught this skill at a young age and grow up to have strong necks and great posture (体态). For them, it is simply a way of life. 21. What can we learn about the Zimbabwean girls A. They lead a hard life. B. They have no chance of education. C. Their necks cause them a lot of pain. D. They want to build new classrooms. 22. Why did the girls laugh at the author A. Because of his bad posture. B. Because he walked so slowly. C. Because he relaxed his neck and head. D. Because of his poor head-balancing skills. 23. What would be the best title for the text A. Walking for water B. Living in Zimbabwe C. Carrying on the head D. Traveling around the world B From the very first moment I met Mattie on my TV show, I fell in love with him. He was a ten-year-old little poet born with a life-threatening (有生命威胁的) disease. But his poems of peace and hope had touched millions of lives. We became quick friends, e-mailing each other. We often talked about the sunrises and sunsets, and I shared with Mattie that I wasn’t a beach person because there was no need for me to tan (晒黑). He strongly advised me to go to the beach that he and his mom visited. He always enjoyed every single second of the present. He could not understand why everybody wasn’t out on the pier (码头) at sunrise during their vacation, because he couldn’t figure out why people would want to miss a sunrise. I said, “Mattie, most people like ... ...

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