
【教案】Unit 4 Breaking boundaries 读后续写 自然场景描写 外研版2019 选择性必修第二册

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:53次 大小:245248Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 4 Breaking boundaries 外刊输入———悟语言之道 _____ Canada, the Great White North Wherever you go in Canada, particularly in the large cities, you will be astonished by the fact that you encounter people from every part of the globe. You can find an authentic Italian pizzeria sitting alongside a Vietnamese restaurant. The taxi driver was born in Jamaica and the grocer is with French accent. With so many cultures co existing in Canada, Multiculturalism has been a fundamental characteristic. For example, Ottawa, the capital of Canada, is not a prosperous, industrial place. Contrary to that, it's small, beautiful, pleasant and quiet. It's more like a town hiding in the wonderful scenery of Lake Ontario. Out of everything you would experience, the unique local red bus is the highlight. To keep Ottawa's original style, the city planners gave up a complex transportation system for narrow but well stretched (四通八达的) roads. The traditional red buses literally shoulder the duty of taking people in and out. Many, from children to old people, from white collar workers to housewives, take buses. Vancouver is a natural masterpiece, peaceful and pure. It is filled with awesome landscapes, brilliant sunsets, and clean air to breathe. For tourists, the upshot of all this diversity is that Vancouver has some of the best international food—unique, international delights. Another thing that attracts people is the weather. Much of Canada is freezing cold, but Vancouver's temperature averages between 10 and 20 degrees for most of the year. The comfortable weather allows visitors to walk on the shore, surfing in the bay and boating in the harbour. Now, Canada is the second best country on Earth, second only to Switzerland. For beauty and freshness, the great outdoors of Canada can't be beaten. Canada's vast and cold wilderness also makes it the most anticipated destination for winter sports. Canada is also famous for its culture of good manners and politeness. Canadians are funny, too. With this, Canada reaches such a high position among the world's best countries and is called the Great White North. 1.重点词汇再现 (1)astonish vt. 使吃惊 (2)alongside prep. 在……旁边 (3)accent n. 口音 (4)Ottawa 渥太华 (5)contrary to 相反的 (6)pleasant adj. 令人愉快的 (7)scenery n. 风景 (8)highlight n. 最精彩的部分 (9)literally adv. 真正地 (10)Vancouver 温哥华 (11)awesome adj. 令人惊叹的 (12)breathe v. 呼吸 (13)freezing cold 极冷的 (14)shore n. 岸 (15)bay n. 海湾 (16)harbour n. 港口 (17)anticipate vt. 期望 2.重点句型再现:with复合结构 With so many cultures co existing in Canada, Multiculturalism has been a fundamental characteristic. 在加拿大,多种文化并存,多元文化主义已经成为其一个基本特征。 迷你语料库(Mini Corpus) _____ 序号 佳句呈现 赏析 1 Rather than travel by commercial airline all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train. 描写对交通方式的选择。rather than意为“而不是”。 2 For both of them, the thought of crossin ... ...

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