
Unit 5 On the farm 教学设计

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:59次 大小:39246Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 On the Farm ? Ⅰ Analysis of the text This lesson is the first lesson of unit 5,Book6.The main task is tolearn and say the farm items,including tomatoes, potatoes, cabbages, carrots, a chicken, a duck, a pig, a cowand the dialogs ,namely,How many chickens are there? There are six.).It is the basis of this unit. Ⅱ teaching objects: ① knowlege words:?tomatoes, potatoes, cabbages, carrots, a chicken, a duck, a pig, a cow dialogs:How many chickens are there? There are six. What are these ? These are … What are those ? Those are … ② ability: a.understand “vegetables” and“animals” b.ask and answer questions about farm ③ emotion: Know the farm and love the farm Ⅲ key and difficult points ① key points: tomatoes, potatoes, cabbages, carrots, a chicken, a duck, a pig, a cow ② difficult points: How many chickens are there? There are six. What are these ? These are … What are those ? Those are … Ⅳ Teaching procedures 1.?Warm-up and revision (1)Free talk. What’s your name? How are you today?What fruits do you like to eat? Apples?Yes,they can keep you fit and healthy!What are these?These are …. What are those? Those are …. Do you like singing? Ok, let’s sing a song together. (2)Lead-in T:In this song, we have pigs, cows, chickens,ducks. What are they? Are they fruits? S: No.They are animals.(show “animals”) T: Where can you see them? Can we see them at school? At fun fair? At the playground? Ss: No. T: Can we see them on the farm? Ss: Yes.(put the title on the board) T: Well ,luckily ,I have an aunt. She has a farm. Do you want to have a visit? Ok,let’s go! (3)Before we go ,I’d like to put the class into several groups ,and let’s see which group will have done a good job.(draw a house on the board for the assessment) 2. Introduction and drills (1) show animal pictures on the screen. What’s this? It’s a…. what are these? These are …. How many … are there? There are …. (2)On my aunt’s farm,we can not only see a lot of interesting animals, (show “a lot of interesting”) but also,we can see a lot of intereting vegetables too. (show “vegetalbes”)Let’s see what they are. Do you like to eat tomatoes?... (3)Listen to the tape and get the main idea of the story. Just now ,we see a lot of interesting things on my aunt’s farm.Now, Bob,Jiaming,Pam,Meiling and Dongdong are going to a farm too.Whose farm is it? And what are there? Let’s go with them. ①play VCD ,listen and repeat. ②ask and answer questions about the story. 3. Practice (1)visit the teacher’s QQ farm. (2)pair work“I’m the owner”(我是小小农场主)。 Hints: A: Welcome to my farm. B: What are these/ those? A: These/ Those are … B: How many … are there? A: There are … (3)chant Ⅴ Homework 1)????? listen to the tape and review.(听磁带复习课文) ??2)???Do a survey about your friend’s QQ farm. (调查报告) A Survey about My Friend’s QQ Farm Friend’s Name Animals Vegetables Hints: How many _____are there? There are_____. Ⅵ Board design On the Farm ... ...

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