
Unit 8 Happy New year! Fun time & Cartoon time 课件+教案+练习+素材(共48张PPT 含flash素材)

日期:2024-06-12 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:60次 大小:34861013Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 8 Happy New Year Fun time & Cartoon time 译林英语版 三年级上 Unit 8 ( Fun time & Cartoon Time) Happy New Year! Say a rhyme 节奏大师 What's this What's this A gift. A gift . I got a gift. What's that What's that Present. Present. You got a present. This _____ is for . This _____ is for . This _____ is for . 这些礼物是给谁的? This _____ is for . Good memory 好记性 Bobby's Birthday is coming! 第一关 Words单 词 顺利闯关, 就去参加Bobby的生日party吧! This is for you. This you for is . Happy train 连词成句 载你去party It is a doll. It doll is a . Happy train 连词成句 This is for you,Helen. Helen This is you ,. for Happy train 连词成句 It's a robot. It's for Tim. Tim for . . It's It's a robot Happy train 连词成句 Happy birthday. Happy birthday . Happy train 连词成句 pass 过关 第一关 words 单 词 第二关 Sentences 句型 Quick Copy 传声筒 赢取party入场券 步骤一:每组前两位同学记住纸条上句子。 步骤二:听口令开始,快速地对后面同学说句子,最后同学起立示意传话结束。看哪一组最快哦? 步骤三:每组最后两位同学说出你所听到的句子。 既快又正确的小组,获得party入场券! 第一关 Words 单 词 第二关 Sentences 新 句 型 第三关 Fun Time 游戏 时 间 Fun time Magic Eyes 找找party上的礼物 Fun time Magic Eyes Fun time What’s this/that It’s a … Magic Eyes Fun time Magic Eyes Fun time Magic Eyes Fun time Magic Eyes What’s this/that It’s a … Fun time Magic Eyes Fun time Magic Eyes Fun time What’s this/that It’s a … Magic Eyes Fun time Magic Eyes Fun time Magic Eyes Fun time Magic Eyes a clown Bobby怎么了? 稍后见分晓! What’s this/that It’s a … Tasks clear! You can take part in the party. Listen! They are having a party. Bobby is singing ! Mr Monkey Mr Dog Who are they 他们是谁? What 他们手里拿的是什么? presents(礼物) 1. Look and say 2. Watch and find Who & What Who gives the presents 谁送的礼物? What presents 什么礼物? 2. Watch and find What are Bobby's presents A B C D _____ and _____. A toy car a clown 2. Watch and find Does Bobby like them 波比喜欢这两件礼物吗? Ah! 3. Read and discuss Scared 害怕的 Tips: 1. 注意重音和语调哦! 2. 可添加动作和神情。 4. Read and imitate 1分钟读动画 Happy birthday, Bobby!This is for you. Thank you. What's this It's a toy car. How nice! Thank you! What's this Ha! Ha! Ah! 1.Read after the tape. (跟读) 2.Read together. (齐读) 3.Read in roles. (分角色读) 三人一组,选择你喜欢的方式读动画,并尝试配音。 5. Read and dub 4.Dub.(配音) 5. Read and dub Tips: 1. 小组分角色演一演故事。 2. 注意模仿人物的神态和语气。 看谁模仿的最像! 6. Cooperate and act Showing time 6. Cooperate and act 组员讨论,展开想象,狗先生可能送了什么礼物? What’s Mr Dog’s present Happy birthday, Bobby! This is for you. Thank you.What’s this It’s a…. How nice! Thank you! 7. Imagine and say Sam的生日就要到了, 你们准备送什么给他呢?见 到Sam你们会说些什么呢?快和 你的搭档们编一段对话,等着 你们的精彩表演呢! Happy birthday! This is for you. What's this How nice! Thank you ....... 8. Open talk 五 9 S ... ...

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