
unit6 winter is the white season Lesson 34

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:40次 大小:4024244Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件26张PPT。 Unit 6 Winter is the white season lesson 34Made by Wang Yigangspring Spring is the first season of the year.There are four seasons in a year . What is the first season ? seed plant seedsfarm the land go camping look at the flowers fly kites 假如你是图中人物,你的好朋友看见你了,问你: “ What are you doing ?” , 你会回答吗? A: What are you doing ? B: I’m farming the land . 假如你是图中人物,你的好朋友看见你了,问你: “ Are you farming the land ?” , 你会回答吗? A: Are you farming the land ? B: Yes , I am . / No , I’m not . A Guessing Game 猜谜游戏Is Nancy reading ?Yes, she is . No , she isn’t .For example : (例如)Is Nancy doing homework ?Is Bill …?Is Mary … ?Is Tom …? 【自学查疑】 看书上蓝色句子 Are they planting seeds ? 谓语是_____ , 谓语体现时态,因此本句为 _____时,其谓语形式为_____ , 概念_____, 一般疑问句提前_____ , 否定句在_____后加not , 常见标志有_____及上下文。 Are planting现在进行时be doing表示现在正在发生的事情be be look listen now 【合作解疑】 1 go camping : 去野营 类似短语:去购物_____ , 去钓鱼_____ 2 “看” → look at … : 集中注意力的 “看”;read 看文字的 “看”, watch 欣赏性的 “看” 1 大明喜欢看电视 Daming likes _____ TV . 2 听,大明正在读英语 Listen , Daming is _____ English . 3 看着我, 认真听:_____ me , listen carefully . 3 fly kites / fly a kite : 放风筝 Look , Li Lei _____ . A flies a kite B is flying kites C will fly a kite D is flying a kitego shoppinggo fishing watchingreadingLook at D【练习反馈】 1 用动词适当形式填空 -- 你会说理由吗? 1 Spring is the _____ season of the year . ( one ) 2 Listen , Lucy is _____ . ( sing ) 3 Look , they are _____ the volleyball . ( play ) 4 What _____ you _____ now ? ( do ) 5 What’s Lily doing ? she _____ her dog . ( raise )firstsingingplayingare doingraising2单选 1 Li Lei likes _____ camping . 2 Li Lei often _____ camping . 3 Li Lei wants to _____ camping . 4 Li lei _____ camping tomorrow . 5 Can Li Lei _____ camping with his friends ? 6 Look , Li Lei _____ with his friends . A goB goesC goingD is goF will goE is goingE is goingA goB goesC goingF will goE is goingA go根本就没这个谓语形式 【 归纳总结 】 1 本节课学习的时态是_____ , 谓语 _____, 一般疑问句提前_____ , 否定句在_____后+ not . 2 重点短语 1 去野营_____ 2 放风筝 _____ 3 有意识的看_____ 看文字的看_____ 欣赏性的看_____ . 【 Homework 】 1 抄、译、背诵重点句 例如:Are they planting seeds ? Yes , they are . / No , they aren’t . 2 背诵 Unit 3 课内短语。 【问答拓展】 图片中人物是李雷了,你的好朋友看见,问你: “ What is Li Lei doing ?” , 你还会回答吗? A: What is Li Lei doing ? B: He is … . 【 语法小常识】 将下列动词变为现在分词: 1 play _____ 2 do _____ 3 make _____ 4 come _____ 5 swim _____ 6 shop _____playing doing making coming swimming shopping直接+ing双写+ing去e+ingGoodbye ! ... ...

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