
7A Unit4 My day 教案(共6个课时)

日期:2024-06-12 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:72次 大小:19575Byte 来源:二一课件通
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7A Unit4 My Day Comic strip & Welcome to the unit教案 Step 1. Free talk Review Is your home far away from your school ? How do you go to school every day ? What time do you often get to school every day ? Lead—in T: What time does your school day begin ? S: It begins at 6:45. T: Oh, it starts at 6:45. You start our school day at 6:45. So you need to wake up very early. (teach wake up and start) Show some pictures of clock. T: It is six o’clock in the morning. What does….do? Can you guess ? (Teach have breakfast /have lunch /have dinner) T: It’s twelve at noon. What does the old man do? He sleeps/ He has a rest. Maybe he is tired so he needs a good rest. (Teach need and rest ) T: It’s Sunday. What do these children do? S: They go out to play games. They have fun. They are very happy. (Teach go out and have fun ) Step 2 Practise T: Hobo wants to know something about you. He would like to ask the questions below. Please answer them. What time do you wake up? Do you often go out to play games /have dinner .have fun ? Do you often have breakfast ? Where do you have lunch ? Do you always have a rest after lunch? According to the students’ answers, present “seldom”and “never”at the right time. Step 3 Presentation T: Do you remember our friend Eddie ? What does he do every day? Can you guess ? 。。。。。。 Now let’s listen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo and check if you are right. (Teach hill ) T: What does Hobo think of dogs like Eddie ? Step 4 Practise Practise the conversation and act it out. Step 5 Extention Here’s Hobo’s diary. Please help him complete it. It is sunny today. I would like to go_____. I like sports and I always go walking in the _____. But my friend Eddie is lazy. He _____does sports. He _____up very late.And then he wants to have _____. After it, he sleeps again. When he finishes his lunch, he says he _____a good _____ once more. Oh, my God ! His life is eating and sleeping. I think some dogs _____don’t know how to have_____. Step 6 Presentation T: Do you want to be lazy like Eddie? What time do you wake up every morning ? What time do you have breakfast / lunch / dinner /every day ? Why do you get up so early ? (Teach quarter, past, get up and be late for) T: Eddie’s life is just eating and sleeping. What about you ? Show students different time. T: Look ! What time is it? What do you do at this time every day? What do you do after breakfast? …….. Encourage the students to give answers and present the new language points at the same time. (Teach have lessons/have classes. do after-school activities, do homework, go to bed …) Step 7 Practise Look at the table of Millie’s day. Please answer my questions. What time does Millie get up ? What does Millie do at 7a.m every day ? I would like to go to school with Millie. What time can I meet her at her gate ? What does she do at 8 a.m.? How many hours does Millie have lessons every day ? Doe she go home at 4p.m? What does she do ? What does he do after dinne ... ...

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