
人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit2 Wildlife Protection Discovering Useful Structures课件(39张pp)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:90次 大小:5051304Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 UNIT 2 WILDLIFE PROTECTION Report an ongoing event To learn to know the structure of present continuous passive voice. To learn to use present continuous passive voice to describe the ongoing events. To learn to use present continuous passive voice to describe the endangered animals’ conditions and measures taken to help them. Have you still remembered the structure of present continuous tense Have you still remembered the use of present continuous tense present continuous tense am/is/are doing… We are doing many things to protect the animals. We are seeing the Tibetan antelopes next week. We are observing the Tibetan antelopes these days. We are doing many things to protect the animals. We are seeing the Tibetan antelopes next week. We are observing the Tibetan antelopes these days. something has not stopped something will do in plan something people do in a period of time the use of present continuous tense Translate the following sentences. 1. 我们现在正在办公室开会。 We are having a meeting in the office now. 2. 这些日子我一直在思考这个问题。 I’m thinking of the question these days. 3. 下周二我的朋友将在机场为我送行。 My friend is seeing me off next Tuesday. Learn to know the structure of present continuous passive voice Underline the present continuous passive voice in the sentences and discuss its function. African elephants are being hunted. What is being done to help them What measures are being taken to help them am/is/are + being +P.P Find more sentences with the same verb form in this unit. They are being hunted, illegally, for their valuable fur. Much is being done to protect wildlife. the use of present continuous passive voice Present continuous passive voice is used in the same conditions where present continuous tense is used. But it express a passive voice. They are being hunted, illegally, for their valuable fur. People are hunting Tibetan antelopes, illegally, for their valuable fur. The two sentences are telling the same thing but in two different ways. 现在进行时的被动语态 ★现在进行时的被动语态的结构 肯定式:am / is / are + being +过去分词 否定式:am / is / are + not + being +过去分词 一般疑问式:Am / Is / Are +主语+ being +动词的过去分词 ★现在进行时的被动语态的用法 现在进行时的被动语态强调主语是动作的承受者,表示说话时正在进行着的被动动作、现阶段正在进行着的被动动作或将要发生的动作。 eg The man is being questioned by the police now. Measures are being taken to protect those endangered animals. Am I being taken for a ride 【拓展】 现在进行时的被动语态与always, constantly等词连用时,表示经常性的被动动作,此时往往带有赞赏、厌恶等感彩。 eg Recently my daughter is always being praised by the teachers. To the teacher's anger, the same mistakes are always being made by his students. Use present continuous passive voice in proper forms Read the background of each sentence carefully to make sure whether it is proper to use present continuous tense. Analyze t ... ...

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