
Unit 2 Health lifestyle Period 4 Give advice on changing bad habits 课件+教案

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:32次 大小:13437196Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Period 4 Give advice on changing bad habits 选择性必修三 人教版(2019) Unit 2 Health lifestyle Lead-in Look at the following picture and answer the questions below. What's the person doing What's her problem What's the possible cause of her bad habit What advice would you suggest to her We know from picture 1 that the person is using her mobile phone in bed. She is yawning too, which shows she's tired. She isn't getting enough sleep. Whatever she's doing with her phone, I think the main cause of her problem is that she allows herself to use her mobile phone in bed. So I would suggest that she switch off her phone before going to bed. Lead-in Look at the following pictures and find out what bad habits they are. 1.not sleeping enough 2.using a phone too much 3.overeating 4.overspending 5.drinking too much coffee Task 1 Discuss what choices or preferences make it easier for people to develop these bad habits . 1.not sleeping enough 2.using a phone too much 1.Choosing to stay up too late playing computer games can mean that one does not sleep enough. 2.Preferring to play games or use social media on phones can make it easier for people to use them too much. Task 1 Discuss what choices or preferences make it easier for people to develop these bad habits . 3.overeating 4.overspending 5.drinking too much coffee 3.Choosing to eat when one feels bored or depressed can lead to overeating. 4.Choosing to buy many things one wants and not things one needs can lead to overspending. 5.Staying up too late and not sleeping enough can lead one to drink too much coffee the next day. Task 2 Look at the questions and table in Activity 2 and predict the listening content. You're going to listen to a conversation. The main speaker is a doctor who just gave a talk to a class and now he is going to answer some questions from the students. Then listen to it and find out what's the conversation probably about Task 2 Listen to the conversation and complete the chart below. Items Student 1 Student 2 Problem Cue Routine Reward / / Has trouble sleeping because of using the phone before going to sleep Going to bed Don't keep the phone in the room so you won't pick it up before bed Feels depressed about being a little overweight Finishing dinner Walk outside for just 5 minutes Listen again and answer these questions. Task 3 1.Why is a good night's sleep important for the first student 2.Why does the second student never exercise 3.What is the expert's bad habit Do you think it is a health problem 4.What would you advise the expert to do to control this habit Listen again and answer these questions. Task 3 1.Why is a good night's sleep important for the first student 2.Why does the second student never exercise A good night's sleep is important because it will help with their schoolwork. Because he always picks up his phone instead of exercising. Listen again and answer these questions. Task 3 3.What is the expert' ... ...

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