
Module 1 Unit 1I want a hot dog ,please 课件 (共29张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:36次 大小:8247296Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Can you count the numbers from 1 to 30? 1, 2, 3, ……30. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one …thirty count the numbers from 1 to 30 Brain Strom What food and drinks do you know What do you like --I like… What food and drinks do you want Chinese Food English Food 1.What does dad want 2.What does Simon want 3.What’s a hot dog He wants a hamburger. He wants a hot dog. I want a hot dog,please. Learn how to order food in western restaurant. (在西式餐馆如何点餐) Learning task: customers cashier Look and say What are they They are at the restaurant. order food Let’s guess What do they want to eat or drink? 1.What does Daming want to eat 2.What does Simon want to eat He wants a hot dog. He wants a hamburger. 3.What does Simon’s dad want to eat He wants a hamburger, too. Read and answer What does Daming want to drink at first (一开始) He wants soup. soup Can Daming have some soup in this restuarant No,he can’t. Why? Read and answer He wants cola. 1.What does Daming want to drink 2.What does Simon want to drink 3.What does Simon’s dad want to drink He wants cola. He wants cola,too. 2 hamburgers , 1 hot dog and 3 colas. Read and answer So what food and drinks at all It’s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents. Read and answer How much is the meal dollar Let’s compare one dollar 1 dollar = 100 cents Cent one cent 美元 美分 Western countries China yuan jiao fen ¢ Look and say $ 3.15 $ 1.25 $ 2.00 ¥10 ¥4 How much is the… --It’s… Can they enjoy the meal?Why? Waitress: Can I help you Simon: _____, Daming Daming: I want a _____. Simon: And I _____. Dad: And I _____, too. Waitress: And to drink Simon/Daming/Dad: _____, please. Waitress: So, that's _____ _____. Dad: That's right. _____ Waitress: It's _____, in all. Dad: Here you are. Waitress: Thank you. _____! What do you want hot dog want a hamburger want a hamburger Cola two hamburgers, one hot dog and three colas How much is it 13 dollars and 25 cents Enjoy your meal Work in pair(小组合作) I want a hamburger, please. It’s three dollars and seventy-five cents. Look and write P4 I want cola, please. It’s one dollars and twenty-five cents. Look and write I want a hot dog, please. It’s two dollars. Look and write How to order food in an American restaurant In a western restaurant A:Can I help you What do you want… B:I want …. A:And to drink B:…, please. A:How much is it B:It’s … cents/ dollars. A: Enjoy your meal. (Here’s your food.) B:Thank you. (Very polite.) Menu hamburger $3 hot dog $2 bread $1 cola 50¢ juice 80¢ _____in all Can I help you What do you want… I want …. How much is it It’s … yuan. Enjoy your meal. Thank you. l Food Price dumplings ¥10 noodles ¥6 rice ¥7 tea ¥3 juice ¥2 cola ¥2 …… In a Chinese restaurant: Homework: 1.熟读课文2次 2.默写Moudle 1的全 部词汇 3.背诵重点句子 完成校本作业 W ... ...

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