
Unit 9 When were you born?全单元课件

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    课件34张PPT。Unit 9 When was he born?Section A (1a-1c)Company Logowww.themegallery.com语言技能ListeningSpeakingReading4SectionB的3a部分熟读并背诵针对invitation用英语进行交流1b, 2a, 2b部分语言技能的任务要求 Talk about famous people.A: When was she born? B: She was born in 1973.语言目标知识目标情感目标Years and “be born” .Work hard. You will succeed(成功).教 学 目 标能力目标13 14 15 18 19thirteen20 30 40 50 80 100 2,000thirtyfourteenfifteeneighteennineteentwentyfortyfiftyeightyone hundredtwo thousandWarm-up!nineteen sixty-three nineteen eighty nineteen ninety-sevennineteen ninety-six two thousand and eight nineteen seventy-fivetwo thousand and twelve two thousand(千) 1. 1963年 2. 1975年 3. 1980年 4. 1996年 5. 1997年 6. 2000年 7. 2008年 8. 2012年 课前感知 (我学习,我成功!)Can you?(你能吗?)幸运转盘A: How old are you? B: I am_____ years old.A: When were you ? B: I was born in ___.born /b?:(r)n/出生15A: When were you born? B: I was born in_____. A:When was she born? C: She was born in_____. A: When was he born? D: He was born in_____.When is your birthday?When were you born?February 11th I was born in 1998 in February,1998 on February 11th, 1998.Ask and answerSports staran international sports star Brain Storm(头脑风暴)How many international sports stars do you know?Can you guess who he/she is? Guessing Game(敏捷的你一定猜得又快又准) Who is that? That’s Deng Yaping. What is she / What does she do? She is a ping – pong player.Michael Jordan basketball playerDavid Beckham soccer playerMartina Hingis tennis playerLiu Xuan gymnast (体操运动员)Tiger Woodsgolfer1b Listen and write in 1963in 1980in 1975Deng Yaping in 1973 Michael Jordan David Beckham Martina Hingis Listen again fill in the blanks A: Who’s that? B: That’s Deng Yaping. She is a_____ _____ping-pong player. A: When was she born? B: She was born in 1973. A: Who’s that? B: That’s Michael Jordan. He is a great _____ _____player. A: When _____ he born? B: He was born _____ _____. great ChineseAmerican basketballwasin 1963A: Who’s that? B: That’s Martina Hingis. She is a great Swiss _____ _____. A: When was she born? B: She was born _____ _____.tennis player in 1980A: Who’s that? B: That’s David Beckham. He is a great _____ _____player. A: When was he born? B: He was born _____ _____.British soccerin 1975A: Who’s that?B: That’s Michael Jordan. A: When was he born?B: He was born in 1963.B: He is a basketball player.A: What is he?/ what does he do?in 1963ModelDeng Yapingpingpong playerBorn:1973BeckhamSoccer playerBorn:1975Born:1963Michael Jordanbasketball playerMartina Hingistennis playerBorn:1980A: Who’s that? B: That’s … A: What’s she/he ? B: She/He is … A: When was she/he born? B: She/He was born … pair work(两人对话) Talk Show The date of birthbirthplaceachievementin 1963in 1975in Americain Britainbasketballfootball Here are two famous men sports players. One is …the other is ……. Jordan was born… he is famous for playing…best in the world. Beckham is younger than ... ...

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