
Unit 1 Let's go to school. Lesson3 课件(共16张PPT)

日期:2024-06-05 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:48次 大小:3296187Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Let's go to school. Lesson 3 教学目标 通过创设真实语境使学生进一步巩固、深化以前所学的学习用品类单词及相关句子;学会四会词汇:Chinese book, English book;在围绕“爱心行动”展开的交流学习活动中,学生学会以下句型:Guess,what’s in my bag Books Yes, look! A Chinese book. And an English book. 的理解和认读;能够表演本课的对话。 2. 通过本课的学习,学生能够用本课所学语言完成各项任务活动,如:眼疾手准嘴快,捐献自己物品等,培养学生用所学语言进行交流的能力。 3. 通过本课“爱心行动”情景的设置,使学生在获得培养英语学习的兴趣的同时,培养学生做有爱心的小学生。 教学重点 能够理解并表演本课的对话; 2. 能够用Guess,what’s in my bag Books Yes, look! A Chinese book. And an English book.等句型及所学词汇,完成各项任务活动,如:眼疾手准嘴快,爱心行动等,培养学生用所学语言进行交流的能力。 学时难点 1. 充分理解并能够灵活运用新句型:What’s in my… 并进行适当的语言拓展。 2. 在活动中培养学生灵活运用所学的能力。 Hello, my dear friends: Look!I have a bag.It's for you.Are you happy What's in my bag Guess! Yes. __ _____ . ___ _____ . __ _____ . A storybook Four pencils An English book my bag Guess, what's in my bag a Chinese book an English book make a greeting card 小组合作制作贺卡 T:If you do a good job, you can get school things pictures and then you can make greeting cards in groups. More pictures,more beautiful greeting cards. Try harder, OK Guess,what’s in my bag Books Yes, look! A Chinese book. And an English book. T: Look! The first thing is a ____. it’s my bag. Guess, what’s in my bag T: Now please put the school things that you want to give to the children in the mountain in your bag. And try to know what’s in your partner’s bag. Please make a dialogue. S1: Guess, what’s in my bag S2: A book S1: Yes, a Chinese book. / No, a Homework 作业 Listen to the recording of the dialogue and read after it. 听读第3课课文。 2. Continue to complete the short play. 继续完成短剧表演。 3. Make the greeting cards in groups. 用课上得到的学习用品评价卡片,小组共同制作贺卡。

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