ID: 11322431

Module 9 Unit 1 I like football. 课件(共14张PPT)

日期:2025-02-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:62次 大小:1421824B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module9 Unit I like football . Review phonics a am j-am jam h-am ham at c-at cat f-at fat ad d-ad dad m-ad mad e ell b-ell bell w-ell well ed b-ed bed r-ed red en h-en hen t-en ten i ill h-ill hill m-ill mill ig b-ig big p-ig pig id k-id kid h-id hid o ox b-ox box f-ox fox ot h-ot hot p-ot pot op h-op hop t-op top u un s-un sun r-un run ug b-ug bug h-ug hug ut c-ut cut n-ut nut Listen to the text . Practice 1. I Iike --. 2. Let's play together . I like ping-pong I like basketball I like basketball ,too. We like football . They like football . Let's play together . Act the text . . Thank you .

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