
3A Unit1 Hello Period1

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:100次 大小:214809Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件16张PPT。Unit 1 Hello!你会用这些句子跟别人打招呼吗?Hello. Hi.你会跟他们打招呼吗? Hello, … . Hi , … . MikeMiss Li Learning tips:Miss 意为“小姐”,正常用在未婚女子的姓氏前面,不可放在名字前,且首字母要大写。 书中的“Miss Li”由于她是在学校教学,所以常翻译为“李老师”在每天的不同时候,我们还可以用这些 不同的句子跟别人打招呼:Story time picture 1.2 Watch the cartoon and try to answer the questions: 1. Who are they? 他们是谁? They are Mike and Miss Li. 2.When do they meet? 他们什么时候相的? They meet in the morning. 3.How do you greet people in the morning?人们在早上见面时怎么打招呼的? Good morning.Picture 31.Who are they? They are Mike and Yang Ling 2. How do they greet each other? Hello. Picture41.Who are they? They are Miss Li and her students. 2. How does Miss Li greet her students? Good afternoon , class. 3. How do you greet people in the afternoon?Good afternoon. class 同学们小蜜蜂应该到那朵花上去采蜜?Good morning.你好,迈克。Hi, Mike.Hello, Miss LiGood afternoon.下午好。早上好。你好,李老师。想一想,说一说1、当你下午遇到迈克时,你应该说: Good afternoon, Mike. 2、你和好朋友迈克打招呼时,你应该说: Hello, Mike. / Hi, Mike. 3、早上遇到李老师时,你应该说: Good morning, Miss Li. 4、你和Sam打招呼时,你应该说: Hello, Sam. / Hi ,Sam. Homework: 1.Read Story time after the tape, and recite the dialogues. 2.Try to know the other students in the story.

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