
Lesson O Can you fly 课件 (共26张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:61次 大小:7956349Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson O Can you fly I do; you guess. 我做动作;你猜猜。 Review jump 跳 swim 游泳 run 跑 fly 飞 fly run swim sing dance draw jump count A:Can you fly B:Yes,I can./No I can't. Run, run, run, I can run. Fly, fly, fly, I can fly. Swim, swim, swim, I can swim. Jump, jump, jump, I can jump. Let's chant 你还能用I can...说句子吗? Let’s chant. I am, I can . I am a bird, I can fly. I am a panda, I can dance. I am a fish, I can swim. I am a rabbit, I can jump. Let's learn magic box ook c 做饭 I can cook. can't drive 开车 I can/can't drive. 爬 Can you climb Yes,I can./No,I can't. 表演 Can you act Yes,I can./No,I can't. Listen and repeat Answer the questions(回答问题) 1.What animals(动物) can you see in the picture 2.Who can fly 3.Who can't fly Let's learn the text. 1.Work in pairs and role play 2.Recited the text A bird can A fish can swim. A rabbit can jumb. fly. A: Can you fly B: Yes, I can. A: Why B: Because I am a bird. 1. I ____ fly. 2. Why can Because I'm a bird. 3. I ____ fly. 4. Why can‘t Because I'm a monkey. peacock Can peacock fly Yes, it can. Why No, it can't. Beacause I am a peacock. practice(练习) climb drive cook act climb 小老师教学(学生上台图片与单词配对,当小老师教学生句型“Drive, drive, I can/can't drive.”) Pair work 1(两个同学一组,对话练习) Can you ... Yes, I can. No, I can't. climb cook act sing swim fly It's your show time 请同学上台戴上动物头饰,其它同学根据该动物的特性提问,用到句型Can you... 和Why 可以加入一些日常用语哦。 Exercise 1. Can you ( cook / climb ) ? Yes, I _____. 2. Can you (act / drive)? No, I _____. can can't Summarize Magic box: Page 39 煮;烹饪 表演 爬上;攀登 驾驶 climb drive cook act Can you fly 肯定回答:Yes, I can. 否定回答:No, I can't. Each has its strong points! 尺有所短,寸有所长。 Goodbye

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