
Unit12 The Earth Lesson2同步课件

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:10次 大小:30981632Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit12 The Earth Lesson2 Ms Guo: Look at this picture. What is it Kitty: It’s the Earth. Ms Guo: The green and brown parts are forests and land. What are the blue parts Joe: I think they’re oceans. Ms Guo: Yes, they are. The Earth was very clean and beautiful in the past, but now some parts are dirty. Can we do anything to help the Earth Alice: Yes. We should stop throwing rubbish into rivers. Peter: We should stop cutting down so many trees. Kitty: We should stop using plastic bags. Ms Guo: Kitty: Ms Guo: Joe: Ms Guo: Alice: Peter: Kitty: True or false. (1) The weather in different places on the Earth is different. ( ) (2) Different animals live in different places. ( ) (3) People can get air, water and food from the Earth. ( ) (4) People make the Earth dirty. It is pollution. ( ) Some parts of the Earth are very hot, and some are very cold. Some live on the land. Some fly in the sky. Some live under the water. T T The Earth gives us air, water and food. We burn things to make energy. This pollutes the air. We put rubbish into the sea and under the ground. This pollutes the Earth and kills animals and plants. T T There is air and water on the Earth. There are people, animals and plants on the Earth. People have lived on the Earth for millions of years. Many years ago, the Earth was clean. Today, there is air pollution, water pollution and land pollution. People cut down the forests. Many plants, wild animals, birds and insects live there. People kill animals for food and their skins. People are polluting the land, the water and the air. What lives in the forests What do people do to the forests Why are people killing animals We should stop throwing rubbish into rivers. We should stop cutting down so many trees. We should stop using plastic bags. We should stop throwing rubbish into rivers. We should stop cutting down so many trees. We should stop using plastic bags. Let’s read! We should stop using … We should stop killing … We should stop building … We should stop doing … We should stop throwing rubbish into rivers using plastic bags cutting down so many trees … … We should stop doing … We should do … Think and say We should stop throwing rubbish into rivers. We should recycle rubbish. We should stop cutting down so many trees. We should plant more trees. We should stop using plastic bags. We should use shopping bags. We should stop building more factories. We should stop killing wild animals. We should ... What should we do to save the Earth Put a tick (√) or a cross (×) in the box. Then talk about it in groups. We must save the Earth. People must stop cutting down forests. People must stop killing animals. People must stop polluting the air. People must stop polluting the land. People must stop polluting the sea. Three things you can do to help save the Earth Save water. Save energy. Ride bikes or use public transport. Please remember: Little things can make a big ... ...

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