
Module1 Unit 2 How does it feel?单元测试(无答案、无听力试题)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:43次 大小:15565Byte 来源:二一课件通
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4B Test for Module l Unit 2 Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar50% 正确抄写下列句子 oh look it's a key whose key is this 在下列各组单词中找出一个划线部分与其他单词发音不同的单词 ( )1.A.hungry B.rubber C.bus D.super ( )2.A.smooth B.zoo C.foot D.noodles ( )3.A.rabbit B.hand C.take D.matter ( )4.A.soft B.office C.hot D.close ( )5.A.thick B.thin C.nice D.this 写出与划线部分同类的单词 My little sister can sing and . I wash my hands and with water. The pandas are black and . The pineapples are hard and . I like to eat cherries and . 用所给单词的适当形式填空 They are (we)brother . You can call (they)big brother. Peter and Rose (has)any long rulers. —Is there (some)rice in the bowl —Yes, there is. How many (mouse)do you see One. Look at the frog. (it)mouth is big. 一 (who)pencils are those —They're Eddie's pencils. Are (that)her paints Yes, they are. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 Our father (not like)smoking. How you_____(feel)?I'm hungry 一一一 (smell)the melon,please. (there be)two apples in your bag Yes. It's five o'clock. You can (play)football in the playground. We like (make)paper boats. 选出最恰当的答案。 ( )1. What's in the park many nice flowers in the park. A. They are B. There are C. It is ( )2. It's eight o'clock. Let's to school. A. go B. going C. is going ( )3. are those brushes They are in the bag. A. Where B. What colour C. Whose football. ( )4.The boys in Class Two like playing football. A./,../ B.a...the C.a.../ ( )5. Look the tree. It's tall. A.to B.at C.of ( )6. There ____a rubber and two pencils on the desk. A.is B.are C.am ( )7. How many cats this old woman got Three. A. have B. are there C. has ( )8. that woman? She's Mrs. White. A.Whose B.Who's C.What's ( )9. What do you feel It's . A. blunt B. white C. a glass ( )10. —I'm hungry, Mum. — some biscuits, please. A.Has B.Have C.Drink 按要求改写句子,每格一词。 These are old dogs. (单数句) is old dog. I've got some long pens. (一般疑问句) you got long pens? These are my father's balls. (划线提问) are these I walk to school.(换种说法,意思不变) I to school . It's hard.(划线提问) What do you ? Part 3 Reading and Writing 20% 阅读并将对话填写完整 A:Alice, put your hand in the bag. Touch one thing. How does it B:It's big and . It's smooth and . A:What is it? B:It's a ball. A:Yes, you're right. ball is it B:It's Kitty's. 阅读短文,判断句子是否与短文内容相符,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示 There are four brothers under the tree. They' re all blind.Here comes a man on an elephant, but they can't see it. The brothers all touch the elephant.One says, " The elephant is smooth and hard." Another brother says, "The elephant is big and thick. " "The elephant is big and soft. " But the last brother says, "The elephant is long and thin. " Are they right ( )1. There are four blind brothers in this story. ( )2.、 They can see an elephant over there. ( )3: The elephant is smooth and hard. ( )4. The elephant is big and thick. ( )5. The elephant's nose is long. ... ...

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