ID: 11476854

人教新起点五年级下册Unit1 Keeping Healthy Lesson 3 同步培优课件(希沃版+图片版PPT)

日期:2024-12-15 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:52次 大小:31930718B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 人教版(新起点)小学英语五年级下 Unit1:Keeping Healthy Lesson 3 Warm-up Keeping Healthy drink milk and get up early and play on the eat too much candy water every day go to bed early computer a lot We should we shouldn't exercise wash our hands eat with dirty hands watch too every day before eating much TV Warm-up Discuss What should/shouldn't he do Lead-in I play on the computer a lot. HELP! headache Do you have some problems in your daily life Presentation Let's read. 米 Dear Linda, Worried Presentation Dear Linda, Who writes this letter I always feel tired and sleepy.I sometimes sleep in class.I like my Worried writes this letter. teachers and I like all my subjects, but I don't get good marks.At night I can't sleep,so I go on the Why does he write this letter computer or watch TV.It's not good.What should I do Because he has some problems. Worried Presentation I always feel tired and sleepy. I like my teachers and I like all my subjects,but I don't get good marks. Presentation 米 Dear Worried, Linda:

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