
Unit 3 At the zoo Part A let's talk 优质课件

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:84次 大小:15603493Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 At the zoo Part A1 人教版(PEP)三年级下册 Let’s sing At the zoo song! Look and say Look at that _____ It’s _____. Presentation Look at me! Don’t feed the animals!! Presentation Look at the elephant. It has a long nose. Don’t feed the animals!! Presentation Look at that monkey. It’s so fat! At the zoo Ah! So cute! Presentation Look at the giraffe. It’s so tall! 描述动物的外形特征的句型 — It’s (so) ... It’s (so) + 描述外形特征的形容词 (fat, thin, small ...). (1)此句型用于描述某种动物的外形特征。 (2)要加强语气时,可在形容词前加 so。 Explanation Extension 初识形容词 形容词是对事物的性质或特征等进行描述的词。常见的描述外形特征的形容词有: fat (胖的;肥的), cute (可爱的), thin (瘦的), lovely (可爱的), tall (高的), big (大的), short (矮的;短的), small (小的)等。 Look _____ the monkey. at at am is _____ my nose. Look at look Look at Look for It has _____ long nose! a am a an It is so _____ . cute cute it bear Let’s talk Lead in 1. What do they see at the zoo Try to find out: 2. Who is tall 3. Who is short and fat Look at that giraffe. Wow! It’s so tall! Presentation 如此,这么 Ha! It’s short and fat! A bear! Presentation 并列连词 short and fat: 又矮又胖 tall and thin: 又高又瘦 Answer the questions 1. What do they see at the zoo 他们在动物园看到了什么? tiger giraffe lion bear elephant Practice Practice Look at that giraffe. Wow! It’s so tall! Answer the questions 2. Who is tall The giraffe is tall. Practice Answer the questions 3. Who is short and fat The bear is short and fat. Look at that giraffe. Wow! It’s so tall! Listen and imitate Ha! It’s short and fat! A bear! Listen and imitate _____that giraffe. Wow! It’s _____! Look at so tall Fill in the blanks Ha! It’s _____! A _____! short and fat bear Fill in the blanks 1、3人一组合作朗读。 2、分角色表演对话。 3、情景展示表演。 Show time Look at that dog. It’s so thin. Look at that pig. It’s short and fat. Look and say Role play Look at that dog. It’s so thin. Look at that pig. It’s short and fat. Draw and say Draw and say Look at my _____! It’s _____. tall Look at my _____! It’s ____. giraffe cat fat Your picture Look at my ... It’s ... 1、每人画一幅动物画。 2、小组成员轮流介绍自己画的动物。 3、请两个同学上台介绍。 Group work 1、四人小组,A 写出一句话。 如:The monkey is thin. 只给 B同学看; 2、B 按照里面的信息表演; C,D 两个同学猜猜,并说出来。 3、完全正确加一分,注意语音语调。 Practice The ____ is ___. 你演我猜 Animals are our best friend. 动物是我们最好的朋友。 We can’t kill them. 我们不要杀它们。 We should love them. 我们应该爱护它们。 Practice Summary Look at that ... It’s so ... Look at my ... It’s ... and ... Thanks! 所有素材均来自网络,如有侵权,请联系我们删除。 ... ...

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