
Unit 2 My family Part A Let's learn 优质课件

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:79次 大小:34745120Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 My family Part A2 人教版(PEP)三年级下册 Warm up Let’s sing Who’s this Who’s that 1. 角色扮演进行对话。 2. 大胆进行展示。 (有表情、语气、动作表演对话。) A: Who’s that man/ woman B: He/ She is my _____. Pair work Let’s learn Lead in Who is that____ She is ____. She is a _____. girl Amy student Lead in Who is this____ He is _____. He is a _____, too. boy Zhang Peng student Who is that____ man father fa-th-er Presentation He is my _____. father Who is that____ man man m-a-n boy 男孩 man 男人 Presentation He is _____. He is a _____. Mr Jones teacher Who is that_____ woman woman wo-man girl 女孩 woman 女人 Presentation Hi, she is _____. She is a _____. Miss White teacher Who is that _____ woman mother mo-th-er Presentation She is my _____. mother Presentation mum, dad 和 mummy, daddy 都是口语中妈妈,爸爸的称呼,一般在非正式场合使用,但是 mother, father 是正式场合对妈妈,爸爸的称呼。 mother mum father dad Hi, Sarah. Hi, dad. Hi, mum. mum, dad 和 mummy, daddy 都是口语中妈妈,爸爸的称呼,一般在非正式场合使用;但是 mother, father 是正式场合对妈妈,爸爸的称呼 。 Extension 男人 父亲 Number and match 口语:妈妈 口语:爸爸 女人 母亲 mother mum father dad man woman ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 6 3 5 ( ) 4 ( ) 2 女人 (口语)妈妈 男人 father man 母亲 父亲 (口语)爸爸 mother 快速翻译出苹果上的单词, 就能帮助刺猬拿到苹果哦! Practice Are you ready mother father dad mum woman man Practice Look and say 1、同桌之间练习对话。 2、创编新对话。 (有表情、语气、动作 表演对话。) Who’s that_____ Ask and answer She’s my _____. woman mother Pair work family This is my family. Pair work family He’s my father. She’s my mother. Who’s that man Who’s that woman Group work — Who’s that man — He is my father. — Who’s that woman — She is my mother. 拿出课前准备好的爸妈照片,然后进行对话练习。 1、和你的同桌; 2、小组成员互相介绍。 Play a game He I She ____ is my father. Who When What ____ is that man who is who am who are who’s = ____ is are am This ____ my family. mother father brother She is my ____. mum dad father mother = ____ dad mother mum father = ____ Let’s chant They are a _____, one and all! The ____ is the _____- tall, tall, tall! The _____ is the _____- not so tall. That’s the ____- small, small, small. Let’s chant man father woman mother son family son 儿子 1、四人一组, 大声朗读。 Show time 2、小组比赛, 边说边做。 3、声音响亮, 语音语调标准。 1、全班分两组 A/ B,每组把自己爸妈的照片收集在一个盒子里。 2、老师每次在一个盒子里抽出一张照片,比如在A组抽出一张,B组同学看到照片是男人就问 Who’s that man A组中照片的主人站起来回答,He’s my father. 3、注意照片中是男人女人的区别。 Game time 对对碰 man woman father mother — Who’s that man? — He is my father. — Who’s that woman — She is my mother. father dad man woman mother dad Summary Thanks! 所有素材均来自网络,如有侵权,请联系我们删除。 ... ...

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