

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:34次 大小:16266Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2022年高考英语语法知识点梳理讲解之过去分词的用法 过去分词的句法作用 过去分词的句法作用 1.作定语 (1)不及物动词的过去分词表示完成意义。 There was a returned soldier on the road.路上有位归来的战士。 He is a retired officer.他是个退役军官。 (2)及物动词的过去分词表示被动意义。 The ground is covered with the fallen leaves.地上覆盖着落叶。 Dr Wang is operating on the injured man.王医生正在给伤员做手术。 2.作表语 I felt exhausted this morning.我今天早晨觉得精疲力竭。 When did you become acquainted with him? 你何时认识他的? 过去分词做形容词表示“感到……”之意 be amazed (at)感到惊异        be amused (at)感到好笑 be annoyed (at)感到烦恼        be bored (with)感到厌烦 be convinced (of)感到信服       be disappointed (at)感到失望 be discouraged (in)感到沮丧      be embarrassed (in)感到为难 be encouraged (in)感到鼓舞      be excited (at)感到激动 be frightened (of)感到害怕      be horrified (with)感到恐惧 be moved (at)深为感动         be pleased (about)感到愉悦 be puzzled (about)感到困惑      be satisfied (with)感到满意 be shocked (about)感到震惊      be surprised (at)感到惊奇 be tired (of)感到厌烦 【提示】 ①现在分词作表语,意为“令人……,使人……”,主动意味。 Our trip was disappointing.我们的这次旅行让人失望。 ②过去分词作表语,意为“感到……”,被动意味。 We were disappointed at our trip.我们对这次旅行感到失望。 3.作宾语补足语 (1)过去分词作宾补与宾语之间是动宾关系。 I heard the song sung in English.我听到有人用英语唱过这首歌。 He found his hometown greatly changed.他发现他的家乡变化很大。 (2)have sth.done表示“让某人做某事”或“经历或遭遇某情况”。 I’ll have my hair cut tomorrow.明天我要理发。 He got his tooth pulled out yesterday.他昨天把牙拔了。 He had his money stolen.他的钱被别人偷了。 He had his leg broken.他的腿断了。 (3)make oneself done意为“使某人自己被……” Her nobility of character made herself much admired.她的高尚品格令人钦佩。 She had to shout to make herself heard.她必须大声喊才能让人听见她说话。 4.作状语 Seen from the moon,the earth looks green.从月亮上看时,地球是绿色的。(时间状语) Satisfied with what he did,the teacher praised him in class. 老师很满意他的所做所为,所以在班上表扬了他。(原因状语) Given more time,we could have done it better. 如果多给点时间,我们会做得更好。(条件状语) Wounded,the soldier continued to fight.虽然受伤了,战士仍继续作战。(让步状语) He stole away unnoticed.没人注意到他溜走了。(伴随状语) The cup fell down to the ground,broken.茶杯掉到了地上,破碎了。(结果状语) 过去分词作定语的位置 过去分词作定语的位置 1.单个过去分词 (1)作定语时一般置于被修饰词之前。 We need more qualified teachers.我们需要更多合格的教师。 We will meet at a given time.我们将在指定的时间见面。 This is a used cellphone.这是一部旧手机。 (2)left表示“剩下的”作定语时也可后置。 The book left are for my students.剩余的书是给我学生的。 There is no more time left.没有时间了。 (3)only,very,the first,the last等词修饰名词时, ... ...

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