
冀教版 八年级下Unit 3 Lesson 17 Save the Tigers 课件(共25张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:81次 大小:1127345Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Animals Are Our Friends Lesson 17 Save the Tigers Six types of tigers the Bengal tiger 孟加拉虎 the Siberian tiger 西伯利亚虎 the Sumatran tiger 苏门答腊虎 Six types of tigers the Malayan tiger 马来亚虎 the Indochinese tiger 印度支那虎 the South China tiger 华南虎 words century / sent ri/ fur /f (r)/ symbol / s mb( )l/ courage / k r d / brave /bre v/ chain /t e n/ n. 世纪 n. (兽类的)毛 n. 标志,象征 n. 勇气,胆量 adj. 勇敢的,无谓的 n. 链子,链条 centuries bravely adv. 勇敢地 words balance / b l ns/ reason / ri zn/ disappear / d s p (r)/ kill /k l/ cut /k t/ decrease /d kri s/ n. 平衡,平稳 n. 原因,动机,理由 v. 消失,失踪 v. 杀死 v. 砍,切,剪,割 v. 使……变小,减小 balanced adj. 平衡的 appear v. 出现 cut-cut-cut PHRASEs at the beginning of… drop to food chain in balance in danger cut down as well 在……之初 下降到,跌至 食物链 保持平衡 处于危险状态 把……砍刀,减少 (除某人或某事外)还,也 drop-dropped-dropped cut of danger 脱离危险 Have a try The boy has great _____(勇气), So he is very b_____. Why are you late again Please give me a r_____. Two _____(century) means two hundred years. _____(kill) animals is bad for ourselves. The _____(链条) of the bike was broken. I have to repair it. courage rave eason centuries Killing chain THINK ABOUT IT Where can you usually see a tiger Do you think tigers need our help Why or why not Read the Paragraph1 carefully and do the exercises. 1.“Save the tiger”is _____. A. a group of volunteers B. a company C. a zoo 2. At the beginning of the 20th century,the number of tigers in the wild was around_____. A. 1000 B. 10 000 C. 100 000 3. Today that number has _____to a few thousand. A C dropped Read the Paragraph2 and fill in the blanks. Tigers live in the forests of Asia . They usually have _____and _____. Tigers are symbols of _____ and _____. The tiger is at the top of the _____. It helps _____ the number of other wild animals _____. orange fur dark stripes strength courage food chain keep in balance Read the Paragraph3 and do the exercises. 1. People has cut down a lot of trees_____. 2.What has happened to tigers in recent years _____ 3. The number of tigers in the wild is quickly decreasing and we must do something about it. _____ as well In recent years, tigers have been in danger of disappearing. 老虎的数量正在锐减,我们必须对此采取行动。 Read the lesson and match each paragraph with its main idea . Save the Tigers Paragraph 1 A.Tigers are in danger of going extinct . B.“Save the Tigers” is a volunteer group that hopes to stop the tigers from disappearing . C.Tigers are important to the environment . Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 B C A 2) Read the lesson again and find some sentences to support the main idea of each paragraph . Save the Tiger Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 “Save the tigers ” is a group of volunteers. These volunteers hope to save the tigers of the world. But today that number has dropped to a few thousand ... ...

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