
Module 3 Famous people Unit 6 Early years of Deng Jiaxian 第1课时 课件+教案+习题(25张)

日期:2024-06-10 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:40次 大小:25072163Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Module 3 Famous people Unit 6 Early years of Deng Jiaxian 教科版(广州) 六年级下 第1课时 Let’s know 1.我们需要了解课本P32的课文内容: Early years of Deng Jiaxian 2.我们需要在语境中学会本课的核心词汇。 scientist(科学家);professor(教授) university(大学);physics(物理学) several(几个) 3.我们需要完成课本P33的阅读任务。 看课件,了解本节课的学习任务。 Task 1:Read the rhyme 看课件,朗读短诗。 The souls of my people Langston Hughes The night is beautiful. So the faces of my people. The stars are beautiful. So the eyes of my people. Beautiful, also, is the sun, Beautiful, also, are the souls of my people. Task 2:Let’s talk 看课件,谈论人物,简单了解人物生平。 邓稼先是中国核武器研制与发展的主要组织者、领导者,邓稼先始终在中国武器制造的第一线,领导了许多学者和技术人员,成功地设计了中国原子弹和氢弹,把中国国防自卫武器引领到了世界先进水平。 1982年获国家自然科学奖一等奖,1985年获两项国家科技进步奖特等奖,1986年获全国劳动模范称号,1987年和1989年各获一项国家科技进步奖特等奖。1999年被追授“两弹一星功勋奖章”。由于他对中国核科学事业做出了伟大贡献,被称为“两弹元勋”。 Task 2:Let’s talk 看课件,谈论人物,简单了解人物生平。 Today we are going to learn about the early years of Deng Jiaxian. Task 3:Read and learn 看课件,读句子,了解人物。 He was a great _____. scientist What was his job sci - en - tist scientist 科学家 Task 3:Read and learn 看课件,读句子,了解人物。 He is often called the _____ of Chinese atomic science. father What is he often called call(过去分词)called atomic(原子的) Task 3:Read and learn 看课件,读句子,了解人物。 He helped China to become a _____ and _____ country. stronger What did he do for China help(过去式)helped safer strong(比较级)stronger safe(比较级)safer Task 3:Read and learn 看课件,读句子,了解人物。 He was born on _____ 25, 1924. June When was he born is(过去式)was Task 3:Read and learn 看课件,读句子,了解人物。 He was born in Anhui _____. Province Where was he born pro - vin - ce province 省 Task 3:Read and learn 看课件,读句子,了解人物。 He was a teacher, a famous _____. professor What was Deng Jiaxian’s father’s job pro - fe - ssor professor 教授 Task 3:Read and learn 看课件,读句子,了解人物。 Because he wanted Deng to study science to help China become a modern(超前的) _____. country Why did Deng’s father want him to be a scientist do(过去式)did he(宾格)him want(过去式)wanted Deng studied hard and went to _____. Task 3:Read and learn 看课件,读句子,了解人物。 university uni - ver - sity university 大学 study(过去式)studied go(过去式)went Task 3:Read and learn 看课件,读句子,了解人物。 He finished university study in _____. 1945 When did he finish university study Task 3:Read and learn 看课件,读句子,了解人物。 He taught _____ at several middle schools. physics What did he teach at several middle schools se - ve - ral several 几个 phy - sic - s physics 物理学 Task 3:Read and learn 看课件,读句子,了解 ... ...

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