
青少版新概念3A 英语期中测试卷(学生版+教师版+素材)

日期:2024-09-22 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:34次 大小:2504564Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    3A Mid-term Test Unit 1-7 Class:_____ Name:_____ Score Part 1 Listening 30% Ⅰ. Choose the word you hear. 5% ( ) 1. A. problem B. proper C. people D. broadcast ( ) 2. A. bumped B. busy C. being D. board ( ) 3. A. snake B. smoke C. snack D. sky ( ) 4. A. diet B. debt C. darling D. diary ( ) 5. A. married B. mother C. milk D. main Ⅱ. Listen to the short dialogs and choose the right answer . 10% ( ) 1. A. doing housework B. eating C. drinking D. chatting to friends ( ) 2. A. one B. two C. three D. four ( ) 3. A He’s hungry. B He’s thirsty. C She’s hungry. D She’s thirsty. ( ) 4. A She’s a student. B. She’s a teacher. C She’s a housewife. D She’s a photographer. ( ) 5. A Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. The big one is in the case. D. The small one is in the case. Ⅲ. Listen to the short passage and fill in the blanks. 15% Hi! Here I am in my new _____ at Optima. It’s a job in the _____ Department. I enjoy _____ with other people, and the _____ here are so nice. I hate _____ _____, so I love it here! I love _____ to people in the office. You know me—I was a model, but I _____ _____ _____ standing around. Part 2 Writing 70% Ⅳ. Fill in the blanks. 5% 1. m_ _ k_ t_ _ _ _ 2. br _ ll_ _ t 3. tr_d_t_ _n 4. c_ _ pl_ 5. n_c_ss_r_ 6. _dm_r_tion 7. s_ _ pr_ s_d 8. c_mp_s_t_ _n 9. d_p_ _ tm_ nt 10. _nn_y_d Ⅴ. Choose the different phonics. 5% ( )1. A. three B. this C. bathroom D. without ( )2. A. where B. hour C. peahen D. how ( )3. A. school B. cold C. crowd D. cyclist ( )4. A. annoyed B. apply C. Sunday D. hungry ( )5. A. graden B. guess C. garage D. girl Ⅵ. Choose the right answer. 15% ( )1. Tom likes to talk to his friends, _____ he A. is B. does C. doesn’t D. do ( )2._____ you like some cakes A.Would B. Does C. Are D. Don’t ( )3. When did you _____ to England A. went B. gone C. go D. going ( )4. Have you ever_____ her before A. meet B. met C. meeting D. meets ( )5. Jack _____ lived here for 4 years. A. has B. have C. having D. was ( )6. He can’t swim, _____he A. can B. does C. did D. doesn’t ( )7. There are few apples in the basket,_____ A. isn’t it B. does there C. are there D. aren’t there ( )8. _____have you been living here Ten years. A. When B. How many C. How long D. How soon ( )9. Have you _____ a sandwich A. has B. having C. have D. had ( )10. Jack has _____ abroad. A. go B. going C. goes D. gone ( )11. We are not going to worry, _____ we. A. do B. aren’t C. will D. are ( )12. It was already a museum piece _____ I bought it. A. since B. for C. ago D. when ( )13. Housework usually _____ my mother more than an hour a day. A. spends B. needs C. takes D. lasts ( )14. I’ve _____ the answers in that book. A. find B. finds C. finding D. found ( )15. How long has he _____ that man Since 1990. A. knowing B. knows C. known D. knowed Ⅶ. Scramble the words into the right sentence. 5% 1. Like, to, Lucy, chatting, does, friends_____ 2. why, you, chocolate, have don't some _____ 3. have, I, been, ever,to, England _____. 4. the, is, someone, ... ...

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