
Unit2 An Accident 课件 (53张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:38次 大小:3132335Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 An Accident words clean cleaned [kli nd] 清洁,打扫 words 拜访,看望 visit visited ['v z t d] words 走,去 go went [went] want wanted ['w nt d] words 要,想要 pass passed [ pɑ:st ] words 传,递 eat [i t] ate [eit] words 吃 look looked [l kt] words 看起来,看似 cough coughed [k ft] words 咳嗽 help helped /helpt/ words 帮助,帮忙 film [f lm] words 电影 slowly ['sl l ] words 缓慢地 quickly ['kw kl ] words 迅速地 another [ 'n ] words 另一,又一 suddenly [ s dnl ] words 突然 sick [s k] words 不适的, 生病的 everywhere ['evr we ] words 到处,处处 careful [ ke fl] words 小心的 Review quickly another suddenly look (looked) sick cough (coughed) everywhere help (helped) careful clean (cleaned) film visit (visited) go (went) slowly want (wanted) pass (passed) eat (ate) visit a friend go to school clean the room watch a film visited a friend went to school cleaned the room watched a film I You He She We They 我 你,你们 他 她 我们 他们 visited a friend went to school cleaned the room watched a film I You He She We They visit a friend go to school clean the room watch a film I You He She We They didn’t yesterday. 问某人做过什么? 你昨天做了什么? What did you do yesterday 我看了一部电影。 I watched a film. am/is --was are--were 他们不在学校。 They are not at school. 他不在家。 He is not at home. 他们不在学校。 They were not at school. 他不在家。 He was not at home. 问某人在哪里? Text Last Saturday, Mocky visited Ann and Ken. He went into the kitchen. Mocky was hungry. He wanted a banana. Ann passed him one. Mocky ate the banana very quickly. Then he ate another one. Suddenly Mocky looked sick. He coughed and coughed. The banana went everywhere! Text Ken helped him and Ann cleaned the table. Mocky was very sorry because he made a mess. The next day Mocky visited Ann and Ken again. He went into the kitchen, but he didn’t want any bananas. Questions: What did Mocky do last Saturday What did Mocky want Who passed Mocky a banana How many bananas did Mocky eat? Why did Mocky cough Who helped Mocky Did Mocky feel sorry Why Did Mocky want any bananas the next day Let’s Practice Last Saturday, Mocky visited Ann and Ken. He went into the kitchen. Mocky was hungry. He wanted a banana. Ann passed him one. Mocky ate the banana very quickly. Then he ate another one. Suddenly Mocky looked sick. He coughed and coughed. The banana went everywhere! Let’s Practice Ken helped him and Ann cleaned the table. Mocky was very sorry because he made a mess. The next day Mocky visited Ann and Ken again. He went into the kitchen, but he didn’t want any bananas. 1 2 3 4 5 6 had went painted played five o’clock washed did watched went watched saw went helped gave was give sb. sth. 给某人某物 went to the park They played basketball together in the park. Suddenly Joe broke his leg. His friends helped him and they went to the hospital. wanted cleaned helped watched went did had saw Last Monday I washed the socks, ... ...

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