ID: 11631303

接力版三下lesson 6What colour is it?同步课件(希沃版+图片版PPT)

日期:2024-11-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:48次 大小:32303261B 来源:二一课件通
预览图 0
    (课件网) 接力版:小学三年级下册英语 Lesson6 What colour is it d R AcFUN A:What is it 这是什么? B:A ball. 一个球。 What colour is it colour r'kale(r)] (详解页 这是什么颜色? lt is red. colour A:What is it B:It is an apple. red Ired] 详解页 A:What colour is it B:It is red. A:What is it B:It is a banana. yellow r'jelad] ,(S详解页 A:What colour is it B:It is yellow. yellow A:What is it B:It is a box. green Igrin] (详解页 A:What colour is it green B:It is green. A:What is it B:It is a pen. black [blaek] ( 详解页 A:What colour is it black B:It is black. A:What is it B:It is a shoe. White [wart] A:What colour is it (详解页 B:It is white. white OPEn TOP BUS A:What is it B:It is a bus. blue [blu:] (详解页 A:What colour is it B:It is blue. blue 0 火眼金晴找颜色 0 00:3210 right white leg bed green red girl blue book black yellow 马 white 红色 red 黄色 black 绿色 yellow 白色 blue 色 green 蓝色 Look,listen and say①T red yellow green black white blue A:What is it B:A car. A:What colour is it B:Red Ask and answer ABc A:What is it B:It is a(an) A:What colour is it B:It is

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