
6A Unit2 Ben’s birthday 教案

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:22次 大小:21027Byte 来源:二一课件通
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6A Unit 2 Ben’s birthday 教材简析: 本单元是围绕“Ben的生日”这一主题,从谈论生日的具体日期入手,到邀请朋友参加生日聚会,小客人来访问,祝贺,送礼等情节,把有关“询问生日”,“邀请”,“征求意见”等交际用语与词汇和句型有机第结合起来,体现在对话和课文之中。本单元既呈现了十分丰富的语言材料,又展示了英语国家“过生日”的风俗习惯。教师在教学中可根据学生的兴趣和需要展开丰富多彩的活动,在教授本单元内容的基础上,着重引导学生体会,了解英语国家人们过生日时的风俗习惯,以及培养学生跨文化交际的能力。 教学目标: 一、“Four skills words”: a birthday, a date, when, as, a present, first, second, March, third, April, fourth, May, June 二、“Four skills sentences”: When’s your birthday? My birthday is on… What would you like as a birthday present? I’d like… 三、To learn the song “Today is my birthday.” 教学重点 一、“Four skills” words : a birthday, a date, when, as, a present, first, second, March, third, April, fourth, May, June 二、“Four skills ” sentences: When’s your birthday? My birthday is on… What would you like as a birthday present? I’d like… 三、To train the students how to do a survey in English 教学难点: 一、“Four skills” words : a birthday, a date, when, as, a present, first, second, March, third, April, fourth, May, June 二、“Four skills ” sentences: When’s your birthday? My birthday is on… What would you like as a birthday present? I’d like… 教学准备: 录音机、磁带、课件 课时安排: Five periods(五课时) Listen read and say in Part A one period Look read and learn in Part B. one period Ask and answer in Part C one period Part D,E, F, G, H, one period Review this unit and do student’s book one period Unit 2 Ben’s birthday第一课时 (课型:新授 设计:张静潭) 教学内容: Part A Listen read and say 教学目标: 一、“Four-skill” words: a birthday, a date, when, as, a present, first, second, 二、“Four-skill” sentences: When’s your birthday? My birthday is on… What would you like as a birthday present? I’d like… 教学准备: 录音机、磁带、课件 教学重点: 一、“Four-skill” words: a birthday, a date, when, as, a present, first, second, 二、“Four-skill” sentences: When’s your birthday? My birthday is on… What would you like as a birthday present? I’d like… 教学难点: 能完整地感知全文,模仿正确的语音语调,学习对话。 教学过程: Oral work and Revision How are you? What do you like? What does this sign mean? Can you … What day is it today? 二、Presentation: 1.T:(出示日期) What date is it today? S: It’s the 16th of October. Learn: date What date is it today? 学生练习这个句型。 2.T: What date is it today? S: It’s? the 25th of September. T: My birthday’s on the 25th of September. 重复几遍,学习 birthday, My birthday’s on the 25th of September. 指名学生说: My birthday’s on the … 3. T: When’s your birthday? S: My birthday’s on … 学习: when, When’s your birthday?学生间练习。 4. T: Look! What’s this? S: It’s a yo-yo. T: Yes. It’s very nice. It’s my birthday present. T: What’s this? T: It’s a VCD of Japanese cartoo ... ...

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