
接力版三下 Lesson 5 Who is on the left of Mary?单元同步备课课件(希沃版+图片版PPT)

日期:2024-06-05 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:57次 大小:97987760Byte 来源:二一课件通
预览图 0
    (课件网) Lesson5 Who is on the left of Mary Game:Listen and do, Game:Listen and do. Put your lighthhadddppwan. Lead in What can you see (speak out quickly) left ear right ear left arm right arm left leg right leg left right left right left [left $详解页 n.左边 right trart +详解页 right n.右边 okay 1.u'keil 详解页 释义 词组 例句 近义词 n.认可,同意 V.赞成或同意批准 int.行,用以表达准许或同意之意 ad.可以,不错 2编辑释义 自定义词语 查看单词 听写单词:3个 单词答案 le t right OK 0000/01:36o9日 Look,listen and say Who is on the left of Maryi Welcome to class three,grade 1,this is our seat map. Tom Yichun Lingling Mary Sue B训 Ann John Peter Jack Pat May Look and say! 谁在玛丽的左边? Who is on the left of Mary Who is on the left of Mary Tom Yichun Lingling Mary Sue Bill Ann John Peter Jack Pat May Tips: 在西方国家,询问是 谁的时候句首常用疑 问词Who. eg:-Who is she -She is Lily. 汤姆 伊春 玲玲 玛丽 玲玲在玛丽的左边。 Tom Yichun Lingling Mary Lingling is on the left of Mary. 苏 比尔 安 约翰 Pat is on the right of Jack. Sue Bill Ann John 帕特在杰克的右边。 彼得 杰克 帕特 梅 Peter Jack Pat May on the left of on the right of 在.的左边 在.的右边 Dad is on the right of me.Mom is on the left of me.

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