
新版牛津译林版四年级下册Project1 My school life Part A& B 教案

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:36次 大小:34816Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Project 1 My school life 教学目标: 1. 理解掌握并能运用单词school life; 2. 在情境中帮助学生复习1-4单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用1-4单元的单词和句型; 3. 通过对朋友Peter’s school life的介绍,引导学生进行综合的口头表达(介绍自己的school life); 4. 通过本课的活动激发学生热爱学校、热爱生活的情感。 教学重点和教学难点: 1.让学生在实际语境中正确运用U1—U4的日常交际用语; 2. 综合口头表达(介绍自己的school life)。 教学准备: 教学PPT,school picture 教学过程: Step1 Warming up and revision 1. Free talk. 2. About me. T: Do you want to know something about me You can ask me some questions. 引导学生打开思维,进行头脑风暴,用学过的句型进行提问。 Step 2 Presentation and practice 1. Teach: school life T: You know I like taking pictures. Let’s enjoy some pictures of our school life. 出示学校生活图片,让学生感知school life 。 T: They are all about the school life. 揭题 。 2. 介绍Peter T: Now You know Peter is my friend. Now I’m chatting with him. Peter will show us his school life . Let’s watch. 观看Peter’s school life。 T: How is Peter’s school life Ss:It’s nice/cool/beautiful/colourful… T: Peter says his school life is great fun. 引导学生感知great fun。 T:What else do you want to know about Peter? Ss: Peter’s subjects, Pete’s timetable, Peter’s day, Peter’s school 3. Peter’s subjects and timetable (1)Try to ask Peter some questions. (2) Talk about our subjects and timetable . 操练句型What subjects do you like I like… What lessons do you have … I have… (3) Peter’s day a. read and fill b.Let’s learn. 通过Peter和朋友们的微信聊天,引导学生在叙述自己的一天活动时,要注意几个要素:feelings, subjects, lessons,time and activities. (4) Let’s show. T:Star kids invited me to be a guest editor of our newspaper.The columns is “My school life”. Peter wants to have a PK with us. a.Peter’s school picture and his E-mail. b. Design(设计)a picture about your school (before class). Write a passage to introduce your school and your school life. c. Let’s show Step 3. Summary T: School life is busy ,colourful,it is still happy and full of love.So,boys and girls,you should Love your school and enjoy your school life.

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