
Module 6 Unit 1 We'll see lots of very big stones. 课件(26张PPT)

日期:2024-06-10 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:65次 大小:3630592Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) We’ll see lots of very big stones. Module6 Unit1 Stonehenge Stone hen ge It’s a very old place. 巨石阵(英国一处史前巨石建筑遗址) 巨石阵位于英格兰威尔特郡的Salisbury平原,距首都伦敦120多公里。约建于公元前2300年,其主体由几十块巨大的石柱组成。 这些石柱排成几个完整的同心圆。 London Stonehenge What will we see there How will we get there What will we see there We’ll see lots of very big stones. How will we get there By car. It will take . three hours It’s years old. How old is it five thousand It’s years old. How old is it five thousand two thousand They are in a . circle Some stones are others. on top of The star is the tree. on top of No one knows. Why did people build this Stonehenge It’s in . England It’s a very old . It’s years old. place five thousand There are lots of very stones. big They are in a . circle Some stones are on of others. top 11 hours/by train visit the Great Wall eat Peking Duck 1 hour/by bus see the fish watch a show fifty minutes/bus see animals have a picnic half an hour/by bus fly a kite have a picnic… Underwater World Beijing Children’s Park Plan on May Day The May Day is coming. I will go to _____. I will see _____. I will _____. I will go there by _____. It will take _____. 选做 : 2.Finish your survey. 1.Listen and read. 3.Talk about your plan with your friends.

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