
(苏教牛津版)六年级英语下册 期末练习题及答案(十)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:76次 大小:22192Byte 来源:二一课件通
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期末练习题 听力部分(共20分) I. 听句子, 从A, B, C, D中找出你所听到的单词。(5分) 1. My book is _____than Dick's. A. older B. cheaper C. newer D. funnier 2. What are you _____for, girls? A. leaving B. waiting C. calling D. laughing 3. Nancy is an _____ girl, I think. A. outgoing B. athletic C. interesting D. intellectual 4. The Brown family live in the _____ house. A. opposite B. next C. big D. bright 5. Her clothes are more _____than these. A. expensive B. popular C. terrible D. beautiful II. 听对话, 根据你所听到的对话, 在下列句子的空白处填写一个适当的词。(5分) 1. The girl thinks Michael is _____ than James. 2. James_____ in class yesterday. 3. The girl thinks Tina is an _____ girl. 4. The girl thinks Oscar's sweater is _____. 5. The girl thinks Jim is more _____ than the boy. III. 听对话, 从你听到的五组对话中找出与所给插图意思相同的选项。(5分) IV. 听短文,根据其内容,在每个空白处填写一个适当的词(词首字母已给出)。(5分) 1. Lily's mother is a m_____ teacher. 2. Lily is an o_____ girl. 3. Lily is good at playing the g_____. 4. Lily's friends always ask her to their birthday p_____. 5. Lily has a lot of f_____. 参考答案: 听力部分录音原文与参考答案: I. 1. My book is newer than Dick's. 2. What are you laughing for, girls? 3. Nancy is an athletic girl, I think. 4. The Brown family live in the opposite house. 5. Her clothes are more beautiful than these. (1-5 CDBAD) II. 1. M: Look! Michael is very tall. W: But James is taller, I think. 2. W: Did you laugh in class yesterday, Dick? M: No, madam. James did. 3. M: Tina is good at all her lessons. W: I think she's very intellectual. 4. W: Oscar's sweater is beautiful. M: But mine is cheaper than his. 5. M: Jim runs very fast. W: I agree. He's more athletic than you. (1. shorter 2. laughed 3. intellectual 4. beautiful 5. athletic) III. A. W: Who's carrying the lighter basket? M: The boy is. B. W: The coat is expensive. M: So it is. The shirt is much cheaper. C. M: Which is taller, the tree or the house? W: Of course the tree is. D. M: Who's good at math, the boy or the girl? W: The boy is. E. M: Is the red box heavier? W: No. The blue one is. (1-5 CAEBD) IV. I have a good friend. Her name is Lily. She's outgoing and intellectual. Her father is a doctor and her mother teaches music in our school. Lily began to learn singing when she was only three. She is good at singing now. She has a guitar and plays it well. So we always ask her to our birthday parties. She often sings some popular songs at the parties. We all think she's a good girl and like her very much. 1. music 2. outgoing 3. guitar 4. parties 5. friends

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