ID: 11755110

Unit 4 Lesson 21 My Favourite Food 教案

日期:2024-12-23 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:19次 大小:14107B 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson21 My favourite food 教学内容:冀教版四年级下册Unit4 教学目标: 知识目标: 学习掌握四会单词breakfast、lunch、dinner 学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本的句型结构:What's your favorite food for_ 2.能力目标:学生能够掌握并在生活中灵活运用句型结构:What's your favorite food for_____ 3.情感目标: (1)通过小组活动培养学生合作交流能力,让学生在鼓励性评价中树立学习英语的自信心。 (2)合理膳食,我们应该吃各种类型的食物。We should eat more kinds of good food.It is good for your health! 教学重点: 学生掌握四会单词breakfast、lunch、dinner,学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本的句型结构:What's your favorite food for_ 教学难点: 学生能够灵活运用目标句型:What's your favorite food for_____ 并将这个句型与生活实际相联系,运用到生活中。 教学准备:教学课件,食物卡片,真实食物 课时安排:1课时 教学过程: 一、激趣导入 Greeting:(5-7’’) 1.T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Miss xiao T: Now let’s sing a song together. Are you ready (设计意图:通过歌曲激趣导入,让孩子们快速进入到英语学习状态。) 2.把学生分成四或者五组,介绍食物卡片,如果答对问题你的小组可以得到 1-2张食物卡片。(设计意图:提高学生竞争意识,激起斗志和为本组争分的表现欲) T:Today we have 4 groups,I have so many food cards.If you right,I will give a card for your group.The end of class,the winner can get some gifts.Are you clear 3.Play a game Magic eyes(火眼金睛,快说快看)。T:If you know the words,please speak loudly.Let’s check.Three,Two,One.(设计意图:游戏教学让学生加深对本课食物单词的认读,为后面句型的教学打基础。) 二、【讲授】句型教学: ( 7-10’’) 1、出现时钟。T:What’s this S:It’s a clock.T: What time is it S: It’s 12:00. (设计意图:本次要让学生理解时间的概念)T:I am hungry!T: Wow,it’s lunch time.Let’s have lunch together. There is a lot of food. What’s your favourite food for lunch (引出问题) My favourite food is ..... 老师板书。(真实食物操练) 2、(引出课文的主人公,Danny和Jenny) T : Let’s meet new friends, Danny and Jenny,say hello to them! Do you want to know what’s their favourite food for lunch T :Ok!Now, watch the video. (看视频,然后回答问题。) T : What’s Jenny’s favourite food for lunch S : Jenny likes hamburgers. (向学生引导what’s your favourite food for lunch 的另一种回答方式,让学生尝试理解语言的多样性和灵活性。) 3.T: OK. Good. Follow Jenny and Danny to read this part.学生跟读(设计意图:课文跟读,培养语感) 4.T:What’s Danny’s favourite food for lunch 请学生补充完整 S: Danny likes milk, hamburgers, hot dogs, noodles, soup, fruit, vegetables, chicken, dumplings... (one by one 让大多数学生参与进来) 5.T:Let’s relax.小游戏:转盘 点学生提问What’s your favourite food for lunch (老师做示范之后,将问题转向学生,找学生尝试回答。) 反复练习,直到确保学生能够理解句型: What’s your favourite food for lunch My favourite food is_____. 6.T: Read this part with your partner and show your dialogue. Begin! (跟读课文之后,跟自己的搭档朗读课文) 三、【活动】对话练习(10-15’’) Talk in groups. A:Good morning! B:Good morning! A:What time is it B: _____ time. A:What’s your favourite food for_ ... ...

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