ID: 1179798

(冀教版)四年级英语上册 第三单元测试题(一)

日期:2024-10-25 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:66次 大小:11221B 来源:二一课件通
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第三单元测试题 笔试部分(共60分) I、用所给字母组单词。(10分) 1、(t ,i ,a ,b ,b, r) 2、(h, e, e, p ,s) 3、(b, r ,I, d) 4、(t, a ,c) 5、(r ,a, f ,m) II、按要求单词。(10分) 1、chicken(复数) 2、sheep(复数) 3、cat(复数) 4、same(反义词) 5、have(单三) 6、see(过去式) 7、swim(进行时) 8、happen(过去式) 9、fall(过去式) 10、stuck(原形) III、选择。(10分) 1、Can a bird ? A、fly B、to fly C、flying 2、 happened? A、Where B、What C、How 3、I see a dog a purple hat. A、in B、on C、at 4、What else can ? A、do B、doing C、does 5、They are many in the zoo 6、Let’s go to school Monday morning. A、on B、in C、at 7、Danny’s hat is small. A、two B、to C、too 8、Li ming in the mud. A、fall B、fell C、falled 9、 Can you play ? A、card B、cards C、a cards 10、A cat fur and paws. A、have B、has C、had IV、连词成句。(10分) 1、can fly a dog . 2、can they do What . 3、fish fly a can’t . 4、else What you can see . 5、Let’s songs sing . Ⅴ、将B栏中正确答语的序号写到题前括号内。(10分) A B ( )1、What happened? A、I can see a dog. ( )2、Who is she? B、It’s a bird. ( )3、What else can you see? C、She’s Miss Zhang. ( )4、What is it? D、Yes, I can. ( )5、Can you sing? E、Li Ming fell in themd. Ⅵ、慧眼识错。(10分) ( )1、Does a elephant have wings? A B C ( )2、What else can flys? A B C ( )3、A cat has fur. Paw and a tail A B C ( )4、Can you plays cards? A B C ( )5、I see a dog on a purple hat. A B C 第三单元测试题 笔试部分(共60分) I、用所给字母组单词。(10分) 1、(t ,i ,a ,b ,b, r) 2、(h, e, e, p ,s) 3、(b, r ,I, d) 4、(t, a ,c) 5、(r ,a, f ,m) II、按要求单词。(10分) 1、chicken(复数) 2、sheep(复数) 3、cat(复数) 4、same(反义词) 5、have(单三) 6、see(过去式) 7、swim(进行时) 8、happen(过去式) 9、fall(过去式) 10、stuck(原形) III、选择。(10分) 1、Can a bird ? A、fly B、to fly C、flying 2、 happened? A、Where B、What C、How 3、I see a dog a purple hat. A、in B、on C、at 4、What else can ? A、do B、doing C、does 5、They are many in the zoo 6、Let’s go to school Monday morning. A、on B、in C、at 7、Danny’s hat is small. A、two B、to C、too 8、Li ming in the mud. A、fall B、fell C、falled 9、 Can you play ? A、card B、cards C、a cards 10、A cat fur and paws. A、have B、has C、had IV、连词成句。(10分) 1、can fly a dog . 2、can they do What . 3、fish fly a can’t . 4、else What you can see . 5、Let’s songs sing . Ⅴ、将B栏中正确答语的序号写到题前括号内。(10分) A B ( )1、What happened? A、I can see a dog. ( )2、Who is she? B、It’s a bird. ( )3、What else can you see? C、She’s Miss Zhang. ( )4、What is it? D、Yes, I can. ( )5、Can you sing? E、Li Ming fell in themd. Ⅵ、慧眼识错。(10分) ( )1、Does a elephant have wings? A B C ( )2、What else can flys? A B C ( )3、A cat has fur. Paw and a tail A B C ( )4、Can you plays cards? A B C ( )5、I see a dog on a purple hat. A B C ... ...

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