
小学英语北师大版(一年级起点)二年级下册 Unit12 Review P62-63(优课)课件+教案+素材(19张PPT 含flash素材)

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:84次 大小:19060672Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 2 0 2 2 2022年春 北师大版(一年级起点)英语 二年级下册 Unit 12 Review P62-63 ` 执教教师:丘紫琪 制作单位:均安镇仓门小学 Let's sing tantan What's his name (他的) His name is tantan. What's her name (她的) Her name is Yuli . Yuli his 他的 her 她的 Let's go to the supermarket What's this It's a candy bar. (条形糖果) What's this It's a puppet. What's this It's a jacket. What's this It's a toy car. What are these They are watermelons What are these They are eggplants. Are these carrots Yes, they are. How many carrots are there There are eight. Are these tomatoes No, they aren't. They are potatoes. How many potatoes are there There are fifteen. potatoes tomatoes Supermarket Let's watch What do they see in the supermarket? 他们在商场里看到了什么? What do they see in the supermarket? 他们在商场里看到了什么? cookies /u/ /i/ 饼干 Let's read Let's practise 一、听录音,判断对错。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) √ × × × √ × 知识点总结 cookies 饼干 his 他的 her 她的 candy bar 条形糖果 What's this 这是什么 It's a candy bar. 这是条形糖果。 What are these 这些是什么? They are cookies.这些是饼干。 Are these watermelons Yes, they are / No,they aren't. 这些是西瓜吗? 是// 不是 How many watermelons are there There are six. 有多少个西瓜? 有六个。 No Animals. Thank you! `课 题 U12 Review 第 1 课时 主备人 教 学 设 计 二次备课 教学目标 学生能掌握cookies,candy bar这两个生词。学生能在老师的带领下复习巩固之前学过的句型:What’s this /It’s a…;What are these /They are…;Are these…?/Yes, they are.No,they aren’t;How many…are there /There are….培养学生懂文明,守礼仪的良好品质。 教学重点 巩固复习之前学过的重点句型,学生能利用句型进行简单的问答。学生能掌握cookies,candy bar这两个生词,能用正确的语音语调朗读单词,理解单词的中文意思。 教学难点 1.巩固复习之前学过的重点句型,学生能利用句型进行简单的问答。2.学生能掌握cookies,candy bar这两个生词,能用正确的语音语调朗读单词,理解单词的中文意思。 教学准备 PPT课件 教学过程 Step 1 Warm-upLet’s sing.介绍tantan和Yuli,引出句型:What’s his name /What’s her name。巩固复习his和her的用法。导入情境:We are going to the supermarket.巩固复习重点句型:What’s this /It’s a…;What are these /They are…;Are these…?/Yes, they are.No,they aren’t;How many…are there /There are….Step 2 Presentation播放动画,设置问题:Ann,Ken and Mocky are in the supermarket too! What can they see in the supermarket Check the answer:What can they see in the supermarket.讲授新单词:cookies 饼干。Let’s read.请学生跟着录音朗读一遍故事。Step 3 ConsolidationLet’s practise. 听录音,判断对错。Check the answer.知识点总结梳理。情感教育:No animals.在一些公共场合是禁止携带宠物或动物的,请同学们要学会遵守公共场合的规定,做个懂文明,守礼仪的好孩子。 教学反思 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) ... ...

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