
Unit 1 Can you play the guitar.单元测试题(含听力音频mp3)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:68次 大小:4153387Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 1 Can you play the guitar.水平测试卷 亲爱的同学们,如果这份试卷是一片蔚蓝的天空,你就是那翱翔的雄鹰。请自信地握起你的笔,也许你会比雄鹰飞得更高、更远!本组卷网,总分120分,分为听力部分和笔试部分,考试时间100分钟,请将所有答案写在答题卡上。 第一卷 听力部分(20分) 听句子,选画面,读两遍。(每小题1分,共6分) A B C E F G 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 二、听句子,选择一个与图意相符的答案,读两遍。(每小题1分,共4分) A B C D 7. 8. 9. 10. 三、听问句,选答句,读两遍。(每小题2分,共10分) 11_____.12._____13._____14._____15._____ A. My name is Sandy. B. It is an eraser. C. Yes, I can. D. It is five yuan, E. I like oranges. 第二卷 笔试部分(100分) 一、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分) 1. Bob can play _____ tennis but can’t play _____ violin. A. the, the B. ×, × C. the, × D. × , the 2. Let _____ go and give this apple to _____. ? A. me; me B. me; his C. I; him D. me; him? 3. --Are they good at _____? ?--Yes, they are. ? A. swim B. to swim? C. swimming D. the swim? 4. --_____you swim??--No, I_____. A. Can; can B. Can; don't C. Do; can't D. Can; can't? 5. The girl _____ blue eyes is Jessie's sister. ? A. in B. has? C. with D. have? 6. There _____ a door and four windows _____ the wall. A. is; in B. are; on? C. is; on D. are; on? 7. My sister can play _____ guitar, while my friend Jack can play _____ baseball. ? A. a; the B. the; a? C. /; the D. the; /? 8. Lucy can't ride a bike. She thinks it is _____. ? A. hard too B. too hard? C. to hard D. hard to? 9. _____ can you see on the tree? A. How many apple B. Where're bananas? C. What pear? D. How many oranges? 10. Tom wants _____ to you. Are you free? A. to tell B. tells C. to talk D. talks 11. Can you help me _____ my English? A. with B. of C. learning D. about 12. Our school has a sports meeting _____October 15th. A.at B.on C.in D. of 13. I _____ a cup of tea. A. want to B. want C. like to D. could like 14. _____ like to go swimming _____ summer. A. Children, on B. Children, in C. A child, on D. A child, in 15. Miss Read is good _____music.She can be good _____ children in the music club. A. at, at B. with, with C. at, with D. with, at 16. The young _____ plays the _____ very well. A. pianist, piano B. piano, pianist C. pianist, pianist D.piano, piano 17. --Hi, can I help you? --_____. A. Yes, please B. No, I can’t C. Yes, I can D. You are welcome 18._____ you can _____ our school concert. A. Maybe, in B. Maybe, be in C. May be, in D. May be, be in 19. Little Tom can draw _____.His drawings are very _____. A. good, well B. well, good C. good, good D. well, well 20. Can he _____ it in English? A. speak B. speaks C. say D. talk 二、完型填空: (每小题1分,共10分) Look 1 the picture. It's a picture 2 my room. I have 3 bird. Its 4 is Polly. I look 5 it every day, but it's not in the picture. You 6 see it there. Can you see a cat? It's under my chair. The cat and the bird are in 7 rooms. They can't live(住)in the same room. My books 8 on my desk. My pens and pen ... ...

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