
高教版(2021)中职英语基础模块1 Unit 1 Personal and family life 全单元课件(44张PPT)

日期:2024-07-05 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:54次 大小:46092905Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Personal and Family Life Unit 1 英语1 基础模块 identify personal information make greetings in a proper manner exchange personal and family information write about Chinese and Western family life learn more about describing Chinese family values Learning Objectives 01 Warming Up 02 Listening and Speaking 03 Reading and Writing 04 Culture Understanding 05 Language Practice 06 Group Work 07 Self-assessment 01 Warming Up 将以下自我介绍与图中人物相匹配。 Think and match. 1) Hello! My name is Li Ting. I’m a doctor. My family name is Li. 2) Hi! I’m Zhang Yifan. I’m a delivery person. Yifan is my given name. 3) Nice to meet you! I’m Liu Xinting. I’m a flight attendant. How can I help you 4) Good morning! I’m Xu Ming, a firefighter. My given name Ming means brightness. 5) Good afternoon! I’m Yu Xinling. I work as a teacher in Star Vocational High School. 1 2 3 4 5 根据以下图片和信息,进行相互问候和自我介绍的简单对话。 Look and act. Ella Baker: Good morning! I’m a new student from Liverpool. My name is Ella Baker. Zhang Yuchen: Good morning! I’m Zhang Yuchen. I’m / I come from Beijing. 02 Listening and Speaking A. They are having a class. B. They are introducing themselves. C. They are talking about their names. 听录音,勾选出两位交谈者在做什么。 Listen and tick. 1) The dialogue is between a teacher and a student. 2) The man teaches Chinese. 3) The woman’s given name is Ella Baker. 再听录音,判断以下说法的正误。 Listen and decide. T F F 再听录音,完成两位交谈者的个人信息卡。 Listen and complete. INFORMATION CARD 1 INFORMATION CARD 2 Li Yanqing Family Name 。 From 。 Ella Baker Family Name 。 From Liverpool Li Zhangzhou Baker 录音原文 Script Li Yangqing: Hi! I’m Li Yanqing, an English teacher. Are you a new student here Ella Baker: Nice to meet you, Mr. Yanqing. Yes. I’m Ella Baker. You can call me Ella. Li Yangqing: Nice to meet you, Ella. By the way, Yanqing is my given name, and Li is my family name. Ella Baker: Oh, sorry, Mr. Li. Li Yangqing: It’s OK. Where’re you from Ella Baker: I’m from Liverpool, a city in England. Where are you from Li Yangqing: I’m from Zhangzhou, a city in Fujian Province. 听录音,跟读并标出询问人物信息的语句。 Listen, read and underline. Ella Baker is visiting her classmate Zhang Yuchen. She is looking at a photo on the wall. Ella Baker: Could you tell me something about your family Zhang Yuchen: Sure. This man holding a basketball is my father. Ella Baker: He’s very tall. Is he a basketball player Zhang Yuchen: No, he’s a manager. He manages a department. But he likes playing basketball. Ella Baker: Who is this baby in your mother’s arms Is it your brother Zhang Yuchen: No, it’s my sister. She’s a middle school student now. Ella Baker: I see. And this little boy must be you. Zhang Yuchen: Bingo! I was only three years old then. 模仿上个活动,与同伴进行对话练习。 Imitate and practice. aunt beautiful nurse take good care of her patients uncle ... ...

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