
2013届牛津英语第一轮复习课件 M2 Unit 3 Amazing people

日期:2024-06-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:33次 大小:1907205Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件69张PPT。Module2·Unit 3 Amazing people(1)M2—U3. Wordlist. mp3 (P.69)January 26, 2019热点单词(P.45)explorer; exploration; explorative requirement curiosity; curiously preservation; preserved discouraged; discourageJanuary 26, 2019自主学习organizational survivors; survival breath applicationJanuary 26, 2019记忆魔法brave; explorer ;curious Strangely;great deal; gold; well-preserved Egyptian; emptied right away January 26, 2019热点短语set sail look up to sb right away 4. pay off 5. be known as 6. be famous for 7. result in 8. come across 9. 大量,许多 10. 也,以及 11. 实现梦想; 12. 把…从…空出 13. 与…作比较 14. 与…有关January 26, 2019句型探究As soon as he entered The moment soon after the viruses are; cause did; study; but; buildingJanuary 26, 2019汉译英He had become well-known to the whole state by the time he realized his dream. What will cause us endless trouble is that the technology has been mastered by our enemy country. It is human curiosity that gets us to make more scientific discoveries. When questioned about things people know little about, they will stammer.January 26, 2019M2—U3. Reading. mp3 (P.46)January 26, 20191、 curious adj. 好奇的;奇怪的,不寻常的;难以理解的be curious about 对……感到好奇 be curious to do sth. 对做某事感到好奇 be curious + that从句/wh-从句(从句谓语可用陈述语气也可用虚拟语气)January 26, 2019◆I heard a curious noise coming from above. 我听到从上面传来的一个奇怪的响声。 ◆We were curious about the cause of the accident / about what caused the accident. 我们对事故的起因很好奇。 ◆He's curious to know what she said. 他想知道她说了什么。 ◆They are curious how it is (should be) made. 他们很想知道这是怎么做成的。January 26, 2019 Kids are always _____ about what they see for the first time. A. eager B. curious C. anxious D. interestedJanuary 26, 20192、 preserve vt. 保护,保存,保持 n. 保护区preserve sb./sth. from sth. 保护……免受…… nature preserve 自然保护区◆In summer, a great deal of fruit may be preserved by freezing. 夏天,大量的水果可冷藏。 ◆No hunting is allowed in the preserve. 在禁猎区内不许打猎。January 26, 2019 well-preserved adj. 保存良好的  preservation n. 维护;保护;保持◆The water and soil preservation project has been set up. 水土保持项目已经建立起来了。January 26, 20193、辨析disturb, interruptdisturb和interrupt都是及物动词,但意思不同。前者是“干扰、困扰”,后者是“打断”。   (2) disturb还可表示“妨碍; 妨害; 侵犯(权利);弄乱, 打乱(计划等);激荡(水面)”。 ◆She was disturbed to hear you had been injured in the accident. 她听到你在事故中受了伤感到不安。 ◆Don't interrupt your teacher while he is talking. 老师在讲话的时候你不要打断他。January 26, 2019◆He put his oars in the water and disturbed the smooth surface of the lake. 他把桨放入水中,搅乱了平静的湖面。 ◆Don't disturb the paper on my desk. 别乱动我桌上的文件。 disturbing adj. 令人不安的;使人震惊的January 26, 2019 The programme was _____ for half an hour because of a sudden power failure last night. A. disturbed B. misse ... ...

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