
四年级英语下册《What do you want to do?(第二课时)》视频实录+课件教案+练习反思+建议素材(钟老师)

日期:2024-06-27 科目:英语 类型:小学视频 查看:57次 大小:210816877Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    11 What do you want to do?第二课时练习 一、Best partner:(找朋友) is bored Jenny wants to make a snowman wants to make the snowman’s body. Gogo wants to make the snowman’s arms wants to make the snowman’s head wants to make the snowman’s wings 我会读,能理解 I’m Lisa. Tomorrow is Saturday. We don’t go to school .We want to help mother. I want to do the dishes. My sister wants to sweep the floor. My brother wants to clean the windows. My father wants to cook. We are happy. 根据短文内容填空: 1.Tomorrow is 2.I’m .I want to . 3.My sister to sweep the floor. 3.My clean the windows. 4.We are . 三、我会写 I’m . Tomorrow(明天)is Saturday. We don’t go to school .We to help mother. I do the dishes. My sister sweep the floor. My brother clean the windows. My father wants to cook. We are . Hello, I’m .Tomorrow(明天)is We don’t go to school .We to help mother. I do the dishes. My sister .My brother My father wants to .We are . 四、Homework: 1.Read the conversation. 2.Ask your family: tomorrow is Saturday, what do you want to do? Then finish the passage: Tomorrow is Saturday . My mother _____, My father_____, my sister_____ And I _____ 10. What do you want to do ?单元检测题 一. Listen and number .(16%) play outside go home see a movie take a nap ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) go to the park surf the Internet do a puzzle take a walk ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二. Listen and circle .(8%) 1. farm 2. broom 3. jump 4. like Mom room drum lime 5. time 6. home 7. vacuum 8. arm mine game mouth my 三. Listen and choose .(10%) ( )1. A. What do you want ? B. What do you want to do ? ( )2. Do you want to take a walk ? B. Do you want a book ? ( )3. Dose he want to play outside ? B. Does he want a pen? ( )4. She wants to make a head . B. She wants a head . ( )5. I want to see a movie . B. I want a wood . 四. Finish the words .(15%) go to the p k see a m v e play ts de ( ) ( ) ( ) go h me t ke a w lk take a n p do a p zzle ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) s rf the Int n t s re Not r lly b red ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) m ke w ng b dy h ad ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 五. Read and choose .(12%) ( )1. make a snowman , Ben . A. Let’s B. I’m C. Let ( )2. My father to play outside . A. want B. wanting C. wants ( )3. What does Jenny want to ? A nurse . A. do B. be C. does ( )4. you want to take a walk ? No , I . A. Do , am B. Are , are C. Do , don’t ( )5. does Tony want to do ? He to surf the net . A. Want , wants B. What, wants C. Who , want ( )6. I’m . A. bored . B. boerd C. boreding ( )7.Don’t forget vacuum. A. for B. to C. with ( )8. Let’s play outside. A go B doing C. going 六.Read and match .(12%) ( )1.What does he want to do ? A. He wants to surf the Internet ( )2. What do you want to do ? B. Yes , she does . ( )3. Do you want to go to the park ? C. I want to go home . ( )4. Does she want to see a movie ? D. .No , I don’t . 七. Read , choose and write .(11%) does do don’t doesn’t 1. What they want to ? They want to go home . 2. we want to take a nap ? No , we . 3. Ben want to go to the swimming pool ? N ... ...

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