
人教(新版)六年级下册unit3 There is a park near my homeLesson 13

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:93次 大小:5139794Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件23张PPT。人教新版六年级英语下册Unit3Lesson 13There are many trees in front of the building.There is a clothes shop on the left of the hairdresser.There is a restaurant between the clothes shop and the grocery shop. There is a bank near my home.There is a post office in front of my home. There is a hotel on the left of the restaurant. There is a supermarket across the road. There is a post office next to the bookshop. There is a hospital on the right of the bank. 课文超链接My name is Terry.Look at the map of my neighbourhood.There are a few tall buildings near the park.I live in a flat in one of those buildings.There are a lot of trees in it.The park is very beautiful.On the main street is a bank. Next to the bank is a hairdresser. Next to the hairdresser is a clothes shop.Across the road, there is a noodle restaurant. On the left of the restaurant is a cake shop. On the right of it is a grocery shop. It is usually crowded at weekends. Many people go shopping in the supermarket. The market is very big and very clean. My neighborhood is a busy and nice place.Goodbye

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