
Unit 2 Lesson 1 Let's stop and wait. 教案

日期:2024-05-20 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:100次 大小:11121664Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教学设计 课题 Unit2 Good Behaviour Lesson1 Let’s stop and wait. 备课人 教学目标 1.能听懂、会说、认读、规范书写单词 :stop (vi.) (n.), wait, street.能听懂、会说、认读单词和短语: auntie,get on, push, wait in line2.能听懂、会说、认读句型:“Look before you cross the street. ”“The light is red now. Let’s stop and wait.” “Let’s get on the bus.” “Don’t push.” “Let’s wait in line.”.3.能熟练运用所学语言谈论交通规则和文明行为. 教学重难点 用祈使句的肯定形式和否定形式描述公共场所的行为举止。 教学准备 课文动画、课件、单词卡,人物头饰,桌子、红绿灯、斑马线、公共汽车等教具 教学时间 1课时 教学过程 Step 1: Warm up:Free talk: T: What can you see in the picture Ss: A car, A man, the traffic light…T: A man is driving a car. Now, the light is red. Can he go on driving the car Ss: No.T: What should he do He should stop and wait.Learn the words ‘stop’ and ‘wait’ with the pictures.设计意图:通过free talk 的形式,让学生观察并描述图片,给学生提供了一个自由发挥的语言天地,既培养了学生的发散思维, 又培养了学生实际运用语言的能力。进而引出本节课的课题.同时,借助图片学习单词stop 和wait.让学生在情境中充分理解单词的意思。Enjoy a song about transportation,and answer the questions: How many kinds of transportation in the song Ss: Twelve.T: What are they Ss: car, bus, taxi…Look at the picture together, and learn the new transportation.设计意图:让学生带着问题在轻松,欢快的氛围中进入英语的学习,通过歌曲复习学过的有关交通工具的单词,并借助图片和音乐呈现没有学过的单词,有效地扩充了学生的词汇量,大大激发了孩子的积极性和学习乐趣,能够更快的投入到课堂学习中。Step2: Presentation:Show the first picture of the text. T: Who are they Ss: They are Li Ming, Danny, Li Ming’s mother, and Li Mei.T: They are relatives. So, Li Ming’s Mum is Li Mei’s auntie. (learn the word :auntie)T: Now, they are having breakfast. What do they want to do after breakfast Let’s listen.T: Oh. They are going to go to the zoo. And they are going to see the pandas. (板书人物和zoo)设计意图:通过观察图片,理顺好人物关系,学习单词auntie,通过设置问题: What do they want to do after breakfast 自然过渡到课文的学习中来。 Step3: Text teaching:Watch the video and answer:How do they go to the zoo By car By taxi Or by bus Ss: They are going to go to the zoo by bus.设计意图:本环节通过带着问题观看动画,快速进入课文情境。不仅让学生对课文内容有了整体认识,还培养了他们在看的过程中把握文本大意和主要信息的能力。2.Learn the text:1)、Show the picture of street, learn the word :street, and practise with the pictures.(板书street)2)、 Show the picture: They are going to cross the street. Learn the word: cross. And practise the phrase ‘cross the street’ with different pictures.(板书cross the street) 3)、T:What should they do before they cross the street Listen to the tape: Look before you cross the street. Listen again and imitate. (板书look)T: We should look right, look left and look at the traffic light. Practise the sentence with different pictures. 4)、T:Can they cross the street now Ss: No.T: Why S: The ... ...

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