

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:48次 大小:415666Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    听力: AACBA ACBCA CABBC CBBCB 阅读: CCB BCBA CDBD ACBD 七选五: DGAFC 完型: ADBCA DACAA BACDA 56. celebrities 57.hoping 58. when 59. are transported 60. responsible 61. to pack 62. torn 63. in 64. the 65. but 应用文: My Ideal School Canteen I will introduce my ideal school canteen to you --Peach and Plum Canteen with modern appearance and convenient facilities. It is a remarkable building located in the center of the campus where it is convenient for us to eat meals. The canteen is very big and could accommodate many students at a time. The most innovative part is the central heating and air cleaning systems that operate 24 hours a day using solar. The wooden tables and chairs and the light background music will create pleasant and relaxing dining atmosphere and fuel our appetite. The menu includes large varieties of foods , featuring traditional Chinese cuisine at a reasonable price . The ingredients are fresh and organic and each dish is nutritious and visually appealing, which will provide us a balanced diet and keep us healthy. I’m strongly convinced that we will have an extraordinary dinning experience . 续写: Luckily,my miserable shouts caught Mr Smith's attention.He dashed out of the house and freed the dog's teeth from my leg.Having caged the dog,Mr Smith rushed me to the clinic,where the doctor gave me an injection and dressed the wound carefully.On the way back home,I tearfully told Mr Smith the whole story.Not criticizing me,he looked me in the eye and said lovingly, "Animals are our friends that need our care and love and will treat us well if treated well." His words left me ashamed and I decided to make a change.Instead of playing tricks on helpless animals,I did what I could to take care of them.With my father's help,I became a volunteer in our local animal shelter,feeding or walking animals.I even set aside my pocket money to contribute to charity which helps save homeless animals. Once a troublemaker,later a caregiver,I gradually won people's praise and respect I hadn't experienced before. Most importantly,never did I feel so rewarded and honored for what I did for animals. 月考听力 Text 1 21词 飞机晕机 推断题 W: Sir, what’s the matter M: I’m feeling airsick. Could I have a pillow and a blanket And some pills, please. W: Certainly, sir. 注释:airsick adj. 晕机的;患航空病的 Text 2 31词 计划与打算 信息获取题 M: Linda, let’s take a cycling trip tomorrow. It’s time to relax after studying for long hours. W: I’d love to, Jack. But I need to visit the senior in the nursing home. Text 3 24词 日常生活 信息获取题 W: Tom, do you want to see a TV show with me after dinner M: It is really boring. Why not go out for a walk Text 4 44词 讨论身边的人 推断题 M: Do you know what happened to Jenny She had such a long face this morning. W: It seems she failed her English exam. And Professor Lee will give us a test tomorrow. You know she is not very good at chemistry. 注释:a long face 板着脸 Text 5 30词 属相与年龄 推断题 W: I ... ...

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