
Module 1 Unit 2 He worked in an office . 课件(14张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:75次 大小:3147776Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 《英语》(新标准)(小学一起) 五年级下册M1U2课件设计 1. What was she before 2. What did she drive 3. What was he before 4. What music did he play She was a before. She dr ve a bus. o He was a before. He play Chinese music. ed What was his grandpa before He was a train driver before. This is my family. grandpa grandma father mother Who are they office factory hospital shop 1.Where did they work He worked in an . She worked in a _____. office He worked in an _____. office 1. Where did they work Listen and fill in. He worked in an _____. She worked in a _____. office factory Read and find. 2. Where does he / she work He works in a _____. She works in a _____. hospital shop works / worked He in an office before. He in an office now. works worked What did they do ten years ago Homework 1. Listen and repeat the dialogue. 2. Write a passage about your family’s jobs.

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