
6B Unit5 The seasons (PartA)

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:60次 大小:17149Byte 来源:二一课件通
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6B Unit5 The seasons (PartA) Teaching content: 6BUnit 5 A 部分 Teaching aims: 1学习A部分,学生会读countryside, snowman。 2熟练掌握四会句型What’s the weather like ...? 3理解三会句型Which season do you like best? I like …best. Why? Because it’s … I can … 4.能理解、掌握课文内容,运用所学内容进行口语交际 Teaching procedure: Step1 Free talk. T : What’s the date today? What’s the weather like today? Which season is it now? … Step2.leading-in T: where do you live? I live in …town. I live in the countryside, too. Do you know the countryside? Let’s see it.课件呈现图片 2.T: Is it beautiful? Do you know something more about the countryside? Let’s learn something about the weather in the countryside.课件呈现乡村的四季图片 3. T: Look at the picture, which season is it now? Ss : It’s ……. T: What’s the weather like in spring/summer/autumn/winter?Ss: it’s …. 4. T : in these four seasons I like winter best. Because it’s cold, I can make snowman. Teach “snowman” 5. Guessing game(ppt) Step3 presentation and practice (present the text) A:课件出示纽约市的图片T :Is this a countryside too? Ss : no ,it’s a city. T : yes .it’s New York city. It’s beautiful too. Suyang’s dad is going to work there. Suyang wants to know the weather there. Now let’s listen. B:listen to the first part of the text and answer the questions(旁白) 1.who is going to New York next week? 2.how long is he going to work there? 3.what does Suyang want to know? 4.who is she asking for ? C.呈现课文引言 listen and read the 1st paragraph and present the sentence structure “be going to” T:Now let’s look at the sentence structure “be going to” .it means “将要” Let’s make some sentences with this sentence structure. Who likes spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter best? What’s the weather like in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter in Nantong ?引导学生用It’s usually/ often/sometimes ……It’s … most of the time. 回答问题。T: What’s the weather like in spring in Nantong? S: It’s often warm. It’s warm most of the time.(板书: most of the time) Is it sometimes rainy in spring in Nantong? D.呈现对话部分(PPT 填写秋天发生的事情) ① T: let’s go on . Su Yang is asking Ben some questions about the weather in New York. Let’s listen and finish the form. ② Ask and answer about it T: What’s the weather like in spring/summer/autumn/winter in New York? Ss: it’s ……. ③ Talk about the weather in New York Ss: it’s warm in spring. it rains a lot in spring. ….. Step 4 consolidation look, read and judge “T” or “F” ①.The weather in New York is as hot as in Nanjing in summer. ②.Autumn is the best season in New York. ③.People like to go to the farms in the countryside to pick apples in spring. ④.There is a little rain in spring in New York. ⑤.Ben likes winter best because he can make snowmen with his parents. 2. listen and read . 3. look ,read and fill in the forms A weather report for New York In New York, there’s a lot of rain in _____, and most of the time, it is _____. The weather ... ...

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