
Unit 4 When is the art show PB read and write同步备课课件

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:97次 大小:25926863Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 4 When is the art show PEP版(三年级起点)五年级下册 Part B Read and write Mily 32 years old Dec.21st spring listening to music English teacher cat Meet me Sarah has a cat. Her cat has new baby cats. kittens Sarah’s cat has two new kittens. Do you know how cat grows Please put the pictures in order. (根据自己对小猫生长的认知,将图片排序。) Pre-reading 读前 ① ② ③ ④ 2 4 1 3 Date:April 15th Date:Apil 21st My cat has two new kittens. They are pink because they are very young. They still can’t see. The kittens are six days old. They make noises when they are hungry. They have white fur now. They are cute. A.Email about two kittens B.Magazine(杂志) about two new kittens C.Diary(日记) about two new kittens Look,think and choose (看一看,想一想,选一选) Sarah keeps a diary for her lovely kittens. diary C.Diary(日记) about two new kittens 单击输入您的封面副标题 How many diaries does Sarah write Scanning,underline and answer (快速浏览,关键处划线,再回答问题) While-reading 读中 two new kittens When does Sarah’s cat have two new kittens When do they have white fur When are their eyes open When can they walk April 15th April 26th May 3rd April 21th Listen and answer(听一听,回答问题) While-reading 读中 ill still till Tip: 清辅音t遇到s, 通常变成浊辅音d.如:k g skirt I work very hard,but I still can’t pass the test. 仍然 Listen,read Para1 and fill in the table. 听并读第一段,然后完成表格内容。 Date (日期) pictures Age (年龄) looks (相貌) Ability (能力) April 15th young still can’t see pink 0 Choose one diary,work in groups and fill in the table (小组选择一个dairy,组内讨论合作完成相应的表格内容) Date(日期) Picture Age(年龄) Looks(长相) Ability(能力) April 15th 0 pink young still can’t see May 3rd April 26th April 21st 6 days old 11 days old 18 days old cute have white fur bule can walk and play can make noises can open their eyes Tip(提示): 1.组内成员分配好若干个子任务,先独立完成,再交流分享答案。 2.遇到生词,先向组内同学请教,再举手请教老师。 3.每组挑选一名代表汇报。 Listen and read (听一听,读一读) 响声 皮毛 noises fur Read and match. 读一读,连一连。 Post-reading 读后 Tip: 运用描述性句型“They’re.../ They have...”/ They can...” 1. Their eyes are open on April 26th. 2._____ 3._____ Write sentences about the kittens.(再写一些关于小猫的句子) April 15th April 21st April 26th May 3rd 4 2 months old 4 months old a new chick three weeks old See how I grow Keeping a diary can help us remember life,find life, learn from life and love life. 日记帮我们回忆生活,发现生活,感悟生活,进而热爱生活。 Summary 小结 Animals Age Looks Abilities 3 months ... can... can’t... pink white... have...fur,head... is/are... 1. Listen and read the diary.(读Sarah的日记) 2. Finish the exercises of B Read andwrite.(做练习册相关的习题) 3. Know more about animals or plants grow.And try to keep diaries about your favorite animals or plants.(了解更多关于动植物的生长过程,尝试写记录的成长日记) Hom ... ...

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