
2012--2013Go for it版八(下)Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells测试题(含听力mp3)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:96次 大小:4787638Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2012--2013Go for it版八(下)Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?测试题(说明) 本精品测试题包括:第一卷听力20分,有听力mp3,朗读了2遍,声音洪亮,语速一般。第二卷满分105分,其中:单项选择15分,完形填空15分,阅读理解20分,任务型阅读理解10分,补全对话5分,用所给单词的正确形式填空10分,句型转换10分,根据汉语意思补全句子10分,书面表达10分。所有题都有参考答案。排版非常工整。 2012--2013Go for it版八(下)Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?测试题(听力材料) 听力原文 第一题,录音中有5个句子,每个句子只读一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。 1. What should Leo do? 2. What will happen if I watch too much TV? 3. Can you bring some CDs to the party? 4. What were you doing when the bus arrived? 5. What’s matter, Mike? 第二题,录音中有5组对话和5个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,选出能回答下面每个问题的正确答案。 6. W: I lost my ticket to this ball game, Bob. M: Maybe you can buy another one, Daisy. W: But I have no money. Question: What does Daisy have no money to buy? 7. M: Are you drawing a robot, Lucy? W: Yes. She can help me do my homework. M: Oh, she is great! Question: What does Lucy hope the robot can help her do? 8. W: Where will you live in five years, John? M: I’m not sure. Maybe Hangzhou. W: Well, it’s really a beautiful city. Question: Which city are they talking about? 9. M: Look! A little boy is climbing the tree. W: Yes, but he looks very scared. M: Let’s help get down from the tree. Question: How is the boy in the tree now? 10. W: What are you doing, Jack? M: I’m buying some food for our party on Friday evening. W: I think we’ll have a great time. Question: When will they have a party? 三、 Do you want to help other people? If you do, please join us. We have jobs for people of all ages from 12-year-old children to 70-year-old people. If you love to play with children, you'll have a great time at school or in hospital to help take care of the kids while their parents are working. If you love animals, you can help look after animals without homes. "As a member of this group, I don't want to get anything, seeing the children's smiles, I am happy too," said Laura, an old woman of 64. If everyone gives a little help, we'll all have a better world to live in. Interested? Call us at 684-9353 or e-mail us at volunteergroup@ 163.com. 四、 When you go to a dinner party, it's a good idea to bring a small gift. Flowers are always nice and welcome, or you may bring some drinks. You should arrive on time or not more than five minutes late. Don't get there early. Try to be free at the dinner table. If you don't know how to use a knife or something else, don't worry about it. You can watch other people and follow them. Usually a thank-you card is needed after the party. 2012--2013Go for it版八(下)Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?测试题(参考答案) 听力部分 1—5 CBABA 6—10 CBBCA 11-15BABCA 16. flowers 17. on time 18. free 19. watch 20. thank-you 笔试部分 一.单项选择 1—5 CCAAB???? 6—10 BCCAD ... ...

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