
Unit6 Where can I fly the kite? Lesson20 课件(49张PPT)

日期:2024-06-05 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:44次 大小:20829184Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 Lesson 20 北京明远教育书院实验小学 中园校区 陈伊晗 Why can’t Guoguo skate here? Because it’s getting warm. The ice is not thick enough. thin thick not thick enough thick The ice is not thick enough. Dangerous! The ice is thick enough. The ice is not thick enough. The ice is too thin. Self-introduction. Face to the audience. Speak loudly. Big actions. Bow to the audience when you finish. Self-introduction. Face to the audience. Speak loudly. Big actions. Bow to the audience when you finish. Anneena liked knitting. She made a scarf. Anneena’s mum helped her. The scarf was long and warm. “It’s a good scarf,” said Anneena. Biff and Chip came to play. It was a cold day. Anneena put on her scarf. “What a cold day!” she said. Biff looked at Anneena’s scarf. “What a long scarf!” she said. “I made it,” said Anneena. “I couldn’t stop knitting.” The children went to the park. They went to the pond. The pond was frozen. It had ice on it. Some children ran up. They pulled Anneena’s scarf. “Stop it!” shouted Anneena. “Stop it!” shouted Anneena’s mum. A boy went on the ice. The ice was dangerous. “Get off,” shouted Anneena’s mum. “The ice is not safe.” Anneena’s mum couldn’t get the boy. She couldn’t go on the ice. Everyone was frightened. “Help!” shouted the boy. Anneena had a good idea. She took off her scarf. “Make a rope,” she said. Anneena’s mum made a rope. She made it out of scarves and coats. She threw it to the boy. Everyone pulled the rope. They pulled the boy out of the pond. The boy was safe. “Hooray!” shouted Anneena. “ I am sorry!” said the boy. “Thank you.” “Ice is dangerous,” said Anneena. Anneena looked at her scarf. “I’m glad I made it long,” she said. Please save people in a SMART way ! 1. Tell the “safety book” to your family members or friends (at least three people). 用英语把“安全手册”讲给你的家人或朋友(至少三人)。 2. Put the signs in proper places of the picture. 把安全标志牌贴到所给图片中。 No pushing No playing No kite flying No roller skating No running No skating No crossing Keep off Please don’t go roller-skating on the street. Be careful! It’s dangerous to run in the hall. Watch out for your safety! Please don’t ride bikes too fast. It’s dangerous! It’s dangerous to swim in the river. Watch out for you safety! Please don’t play in the car park. It’s dangerous! It’s dangerous to fly kites near wires. Watch out! Please don’t cross the street. It’s dangerous! It’s dangerous to push in the crowd. Watch out! It’s dangerous to skate on thin ice. Watch out! A B play in the car park cross the street ride bikes for children under 12 go roller-skating on the sidewalk fly a kite on the street It’s dangerous to … (for …). Unit 6 Lesson 20 Anneena liked knitting. She made a scarf.

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