
Unit2 Weather Lesson1 课件(共25张PPT)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:80次 大小:16519680Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Weather Let’s chant. What’s the weather like in Shanghai It’s_____ in Shanghai. warm Look and say What’s the weather like in Beijing It’s_____in Beijing. cold Look and say What’s the weather like in Hongkong It’s_____in Hongkong. cool 18 ℃ Look and say What’s the weather like today It’s_____. hot Look and say Look at the map. It’s a map of the world. Let’s travel the world! sun ny What’s the weather like in Sydney It's hot and sunny. Sydney 阳光充足的 It's sunny. cloudy What’s the weather like in Singapore It’s . cloudy Singapore 多云的 It’s warm and cloudy. windy It’s in Beijing. Beijing windy 多风的 15 ℃ What’s the weather like in Beijing It’s cool and windy in Beijing. snowy What’s the weather like in Moscow Moscow It’s . snowy 下雪的 It’s cold and snowy. rainy What’s the weather like in London It’s . London rainy 多雨的 15 ℃ It’s cool and rainy. Game time windy snowy rainy cloudy sunny Game 1 Can you say Flash word cloudy windy sunny rainy snowy London Beijing Moscow Sydney Game 2 Singapore world Singapore Harbin London Moscow It’s cloudy in Singapore. Let’s say! Sydney Game 3 What’s the weather like in Harbin It’s cold and snowy in Harbin 5℃ Game 4 What’s the weather like in Hainan It’s hot and sunny in Hainan 30℃ What’s the weather like in Hangzhou It’s windy in Hangzhou. What’s the weather like in Lhasa It’s cloudy in Lhasa. Lhasa What’s the weather like in Hong Kong It’s hot and sunny in Hong Kong. Hong Kong 30℃ Here is the world weather. Today it’s rainy in London. It’s snowy in Moscow. It’s windy in Beijing. It’s cloudy in Singapore. It’s sunny in Sydney. 1 2 3 4 rainy snowy windy cloudy sunny Weather report is useful go for a trip go to school daily life

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