
Unit 5 What will you do this weekend Lesson 28 教案

日期:2024-05-13 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:75次 大小:32256Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 28小学英语人教(精通)四下 1教学目标 知识与能力目标:理解并初步运用 What will you do 进行问答;正确听、说、认读词组read a book, watch TV, play computer games,并能正确书写 read, watch,play; 过程与方法目标:能够在真实语境中表达个人意愿以及陈述将要做的事情; 情感态度目标:能够初步形成做事情有计划的意识;能够初步形成与同伴交流与合作学习的意识。 2学情分析 学生在学习本课之前已经在27课学习过I'll... 句型并能够运用并表达个人意愿,本课进一步增加了提问的句型 What will you do 并在27课的基础上增加三项常用活动 read a book, watch TV, play computer games,使学生的表达根据选择性,也更有趣味性。 3重点难点 句型: What will you do I’ll… 词组: read a book, watch TV, play computer games 4教学过程 1教学目标 知识与能力目标:理解并初步运用 What will you do 进行问答;正确听、说、认读词组read a book, watch TV, play computer games,并能正确书写 read, watch,play; 过程与方法目标:能够在真实语境中表达个人意愿以及陈述将要做的事情; 情感态度目标:能够初步形成做事情有计划的意识;能够初步形成与同伴交流与合作学习的意识。 2教学重点 句型: What will you do I’ll… 词组: read a book, watch TV, play computer games 3学时难点 灵活运用本课句型和词组自由问答将要做的事。 4教学活动 活动1【导入】 I. Warm up 1. Free Talk: What day is today Oh, it's Friday! What will you do this Sunday 2. Let's have a look at your friends - Tom, Kate...... What will they do on Sunday 活动2【讲授】II.Presentation 1. We know what they will do on Sundays. How about Saturdays 2. Look at the pictures and tell what they will do. 1) read a book Read, follow and spell "read", then say the phrase "read a book". Show a storybook, and say: read a storybook. Use the phrase in the sentence. 2) watch TV Show a vedio and guess: What will he do this Saturday Read, follow and spell "watch", then say the phrase "watch TV". Use the phrase in the sentence. 3) play computer games Play a recording and guess: What will he do this Saturday Read, follow and spell "play", then say the phrase "play computer games". Use the phrase in the sentence. 3. Look at the pictures and say: What are they talking Listen and tell, and read the dialogue together. 活动3【练习】III. Practice 1. Work in groups and practice the dialogue. 2. Act the dialogue in the front of the classroom. 3. Let's do a survey - What will you do Write down your classmates' activities and try to make a dialogue. 活动4【作业】IV. Homework 1. Copy the words, key sentences. (抄写单词每个两行,重点句型4遍,注意书写规范) 2. Read the dialogue and recite. (听录音,熟读并背诵单词和课文) 3. Prepare for Lesson 29. (预习第29课) 4. Do the exercise book. (写练习册) ... ...

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