
新概念英语成人版第一册:Lesson115-116 课件+讲义+练习+素材

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:33次 大小:24100511Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Lesson 115 ~ 116 Knock, knock! 词汇详解 (1) anyone pron. 任何人 e.g. I won’t tell anyone. 我不会告诉任何人。 (2) knock v. 敲,打 词组:knock at the door 敲门 e.g. I knocked at the door, but no one answered. 我敲了敲门,但是无人应答。 (3) everything pron. 一切事物 e.g. I decided to tell her everything. 我决定告诉她一切。 (4) quiet adj. 安静的,宁静的 e.g. Be quiet! 安静! (5) impossible adj. 不可能的 反义:possible 可能的 im- 是一个表反义的前缀 (6) invite v. 邀请 结构:invite sb. to sp. 邀请某人去某地 invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 e.g. 我朋友邀请我去她的生日派对。 My friend invited me to her birthday party. Peter邀请每个人玩游戏。 Peter invited everyone to play the game. (7) anything pron. 任何东西 e.g. I’m very hungry. I can eat anything. 我饿极了。我什么都能吃。 (8) nothing pron. 什么也没有 (9) lemonade n. 柠檬水 e.g. Would you like a cup of lemonade 来一杯柠檬水吗? (10) joke v. 开玩笑 e.g. I am only joking. 我只是说着玩的。 词性扩展:joke还可作名词,表示玩笑,笑话 词组:讲笑话tell a joke (11) asleep adj. 睡着的(不能用于名词前) e.g. Be quiet! The baby’s asleep. 安静!小孩睡着了。 (12) glasses n. 眼镜 一副眼镜:a pair of glasses 太阳眼镜:sunglasses 课文解析之经典例句 I’m sure there’s no one at home. 结构:这是一句“be sure+(that)宾语从句”句型,表示“确信某事一定会……”。 试一试:根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1. 我们确信他今晚会来。We are sure that he will come tonight. 2. 我确信明天一定会下雪。I am sure that it will snow tomorrow. 重点语法 不定代词的用法 课文原句重现: Isn’t there anyone at home I’m sure there’s no one at home. Everything is very quiet. Can you see anything Everyone’s in the garden. Everybody wants to have lunch in the garden. Come and have something to drink. 语法:以上加粗体均为本单元出现的不定代词,具体如下表: every no any some one everyone no one anyone someone body everybody nobody anybody somebody thing everything nothing anything something where everywhere nowhere anywhere somewhere 不定代词若作主语时,其谓语动词一般用单数 试一试: 1. 每个人都在教室。Everyone/ Everybody is in the classroom. 2. 每样东西都在包里。Everything is in the bag. 3. 每个人都喜欢巧克力。There is no one in this house.(课件网) ·Unit30 S writing 奥 paper X large ● size / small large 58d 6 don't that a size size have Yes a we 2 ■ or please have want 2 ● Vsmall pads 7 please 81 envelopes only want i,V have a pad large ones please Yes 9 8 want some 2.g 10 A bottle of glue glue 12 11 want want 防 large change box of chalk want 19 small too boxes 13 14 ×, 15 What only have want No thank you @,风 else 18 want all all thank you :100007 ¥ 100000 The most expensive ●Unit56 6 model :0 9 宝帮 墨0 7,, 凹X 12 11 73 k.STALIA曰T8 X壁 0 14 19 009 C.X 15 09it,X 18 ●Unit57 毫,力 I'm sorry 2 Trafalgar please sir Square Xcan't change Smoll choge ten-pound note 6× Haven't...got passengers 16 get off 17 None change small sir note 1 路, 为 业生业业业业业更业业 6 change 18 afraid change no I ... ...

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