
外研版八年级上册Module3Sports.Unit 2 This year we training more carefully.写作课件(共15张PPT)

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:63次 大小:779845Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 3 Unit2 This year we are training more carefully. Learning objectives 1. To write about your school basketball team. 2. To talk about your favourite sports and write a passage about it. 3. To improve the ability of writing. 1. 保持健康 _____  2. 在空闲时 _____ 3. 一种 _____ 4. 擅长 _____ stay/keep healthy/fit in one's free/spare time a kind of be good at/do well in Review 5. 使某人强壮 _____ 6. 在周末 _____ 7. 在假期 _____ 8. 有一天_____ make sb. strong on/at weekends/on/at the weekend on holidays one day/some day Complete the sentences so they are true for your school basketball team. 5 1. It is... and the basketball team... 2. The practice starts at... but they... 3. Last year... 4. This year... 5. The coach is pleased/is not pleased with them because... 6. So they now have a better/poor chance of... Learning to learn You can use at that time/yesterday/ last week/last month/ last year...to talk about what people did in the past; and use now/today /this week/ this month/this year... to talk about what they do now. Add some more details about your school basketball team. Write a passage. 6 It is Saturday morning and the school basketball team is training hard. It is Saturday morning and the school basketball team is training hard. The practice starts at 9 am, but they arrive as early as they can. They all want to train harder than usual because the basketball match is coming. Last year they lost the match by one goal, so they must pracitise harder. The coach is pleased with them because they play better and better. So now they have a better chance of winning. We all think this year they will get good results. 典型例题 请根据下表提示,以“My favourite sport”为题写一篇80词左右的短文。 我最喜欢的运动———乒乓球 喜欢的 理由 1. 乒乓球在中国非常受欢迎。为了健身,很多人经常在空闲时间打乒乓球。 2. 乒乓球是一项令人放松的运动,它容易学,而且比其他运动更安全。 今后的 打算 1. 和朋友们在学校体育馆打乒乓球。 2. 我想有一天参加奥运会乒乓球比赛。 写作指导 本模块以学生熟悉和喜爱的“体育活动”为话题,结合学校体育活动和奥运会的相关内容展开课堂教学,激发学生的学习兴趣。本模块的学习旨在培养学生热爱体育活动,并学会对某一项体育活动进行描述。 思路点拨 范文示例 My favourite sport Table tennis is my favourite sport. It is very popular in China. To be healthy, many people often play table tennis in their free time. Table tennis is a kind of relaxing sport. It is very easy to learn and safer than other sports. I am good at playing table tennis. Playing table tennis makes me strong, healthy and bright. I plan to play table tennis with my friends in the school stadium on weekends or on holidays. And I want to play table tennis at the Olympic Games one day. 作文讲评 第一步:让学生先在小组内分享各自的作文,小组成员相互纠错,润色,修改。 第二步:请部分同学朗读自己的作文。 第三步:组内选出一些优秀的作品张贴于墙报上。 GOOD JOB ... ...

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